
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fake Illuminati Sacrifice

Up to now my coverage of the fake Illuminati has focused on the silliness of the beliefs surrounding this long-extinct organization. Back in December, though, the convergence of a particularly stupid individual and these ridiculous beliefs nearly turned deadly. Aspiring rap performer Wafeeq Sabir El-Amin somehow got it into his head that in order to become a star he had to join the Illuminati. He also somehow came up with the notion that in order to do this he had to perform a human sacrifice. So, naturally, he decided that the most logical thing to do was to shoot one of his friends. El-Amin, though, proved to be just as terrible a shot as he was a judge of the procedures of secret societies. El-Amin's "sacrifice" was hit in the hand, after which he managed to take away the gun and shoot the would-be Illuminati in the stomach before making his escape.

Both men survived, and El-Amin is now going on trial in Virginia for "malicious wounding" and, unsurprisingly, related drug charges. At the initial hearing in March, El-Amin was denied bail after Deputy Commonwealth Attorney Thomas Johnson successfully argued that the would-be rap star was a danger to the public. The trial is scheduled to begin in June.

Johnson said in court Thursday that the trial will delve into the hip-hop music culture and the notion that a secret society called the Illuminati has control over the success of some performers.

It was the belief that a sacrifice had to occur in order to join the Illuminati that allegedly incited El-Amin, Johnson said. Investigators recovered more than a pound of marijuana from the Athens Avenue home, according to the search warrant, as well as literature dealing with the Illuminati and its alleged connection to the music industry.

Harris, in denying bond for El-Amin, who waved happily to family members in the courtroom Thursday, said he was concerned about Johnson’s representations that El-Amin claimed no knowledge of what occurred in December because of the amount of marijuana he had smoked.

Johnson said in court that a book about the role of the Illuminati in hip-hop music and especially in the career of rap star 50 Cent was an obsession for El-Amin.

So why is this important? Besides being a case of a really stupid person who believed a really stupid thing and as a result took a really stupid action, it demonstrates how the nonsense surrounding the Illuminati can become dangerous in the minds of certain individuals. As I've mentioned a number of times, none of this is to say that a global elite does not exist. Of course they do. As a matter of fact, Gordon's latest Archonology series lays it all out, explaining how secret societies were once employed by the elites to cover up their shady business dealings but now have outlived their usefulness in this regard.

The key piece that Illuminati conspiracy theorists keep missing is that the global elite is not composed of occultists - or, at least, not occultists as they are generally understood. I'm sure there are some practitioners in the mix, and others who have natural magical talent and just think of themselves as unusually lucky, but the idea that, say, the "masters of the universe" who run the global finance sector all meet in a secret lodge where they put on robes and sacrifice hapless victims is exactly the bunch of hooey that it sounds like. They're not about magick, they're about money.

Probably if El-Amin could "sacrifice" some large sum of cash to boost his career the musical establishment would take notice. Of course, if he had the cash, he probably would not be this desperate to become a successful performer. On the other hand, shooting somebody and expecting it to work the same way just marks him as a dangerous, unstable idiot. If I were a producer I wouldn't work with anyone that delusional in a million years, and my guess is that most of the music industry feels the same way.

1 comment:

  1. "I get fairly frantic when I contemplate the idiocy of these louts."

    -Aleister Crowley
