
Friday, October 25, 2019

The Occult Bitch Interview

Last night I chatted with Jaime over at The Occult Bitch about my Enochian books, Enochian magick, stuff I blog about here at Augoeides, and my take on magical practice in general. It was a fun conversation and you can have a listen here.

If you have questions after listening to the interview, feel free to post them in the comments and I'll do my best to answer them. Also, remember that comments are moderated here because of the ongoing spam infestation at So if your comment doesn't show up right away you don't need to post it again. I will get to it as soon as I can.


  1. Hi Scott, congrats for your new book! Can we expect an e-book version of it?
    And what is your opinion about Aurum Solis teachings about four Enochian kings as four evil horsemen of Apocalypse?

  2. I expect there will be an ebook version, since they have done ebooks for the others. I don't have a date for that from my publisher, though.

    I think the "Enochian Apocalypse" idea is fundamentally flawed simply because the whole modern idea we have of "the apocalypse" comes out of mid-1800's dispensationalism. "Apocalypse" actually just means "revelation." If you look at the apocalyptic imagery in the Enochian system that way, it makes total sense that the system is designed to confer revelations upon magicians who work with it. But the idea that this is a physical "end of the world" like Tyson has put forth is just ridiculous.

    I do understand that the Aurum Solis teachings don't go that far, but it's obviously where Tyson got the idea - and it's a bad one. Nobody is going to literally end the world by doing Enochian magick.

  3. Thanks, Scott.
    I can add that AS clearly recognize Kings as "great Briatic energies, the pure and unmodified potential of their respective Elements in that World" (From Mysteria Magica book). So maybe that teaching about four Horsemen of Apocalypse is just one, different, aspect of Kings...
    Best wishes.

  4. I definitely agree that they represent the potential of their respective elements. I would not necessarily limit them to Briah, though, since they have a lot of practical power in addition to that creative potential.
