Sunday, May 12, 2024

Presenting at Grimoire Bazaar 2024

On Saturday, May 18th I will be presenting at Grimoire Bazaar 2024, a magical exposition and emporium hosted by Leaping Laughter Lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis. This event is part of Art-a-Whirl, an annual art walk and open studio event held in Northeast Minneapolis. The exposition focuses on the intersection of art and magick with a program of amazing speakers. My talk is titled "Encoding the Mysteries" and discusses the encoding of meaning in art, magical operations, and everything inclusive and in-between.

Tickets for the program of talks can be purchased here. If you are local to the Twin Cities or in the area that weekend I invite you to come and check it out. In addition to the talks, the lodge will be displaying works by various outstanding artists and hosting a collection of fantastic vendors over the weekend. This is going to be an amazing event and is not to be missed.

I hope to see you there!

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