That is, until a little over a week ago.
My magical working group is in the process of doing a series of Enochian rituals summoning the planetary Kings and Princes from John Dee's Heptarchia Mystica. One of our members is a pretty good scryer, but she was unable to make it that week and we decided to go ahead with the ritual anyway. I volunteered to scry, since everyone attending claimed to be equally bad at it and I figured the worst that could happen is that I wouldn't see anything and the ritual would be a failure. One of the other members of our group has a brain machine, a Nova Pro 100, and suggested that I try running one of the programs to see if it might help.
Basically, a brain machine is a device that sends flashes of light into your eyes at specific frequecies along with corresponding sounds played through headphones. Researchers have found that the brain will tend to synchronize with the information it is receiving in such a way that the right frequencies of light and sound will produce certain brainwave patterns. In accordance with the small amount of research that I've seen, it appears that receptive meditation correlates with heightened theta wave activity, whereas passive observation without heightened concentration tends to produce waves that fall into the alpha wave range. We therefore selected program R13 on the machine, which alternates between alpha and theta rhythms. We sped up the program so that it would run in half the usual time so that it would run during the opening rituals and finish up around the time I was supposed to begin scrying for the presence of the spirit, in this case Bralges, who is the Heptarchial Prince corresponding to Monday.
I didn't feel anything all that out of the ordinary as the ritual opened - when using the brain machine you really do kind of "trance out" pretty quickly, and even though I had the sound turned down low enough that I could hear everything that was going on it seemed distant and far-off after a minute or two. The room did feel a little cooler following the opening procedure, but that is a common effect with Enochian rituals and I can't really say whether it is subjective or objective since I've never kept a thermometer in the temple with me during one of these rituals. All in all, I felt pretty much the same as always except a little spacier, and I expected my results as a scryer would be the same as always... and then we got to the conjuration and I took off the glasses to scry.
The scrying mirror that we use in our rituals is a 12-inch diameter clock glass, which is normally used to cover the face of a clock. The glass is not flat, but curved with one side concave and the other convex. The convex surface is painted with black spray paint and the concave surface faces the scryer, which gives a nice shiny black surface. What I saw when I took off the glasses, however, was what looked like a black cloud across the surface of the scrying mirror. It was probably at least in part an optical effect related to the light produced by the machine, but it was also a promising sign. According to the books I've read on scrying, the "black cloud" effect is what you are supposed to see when scrying with a stone or mirror. Images then are supposed to appear out of the "cloud" once the spirit is summoned.
Unlike an optical effect, the "cloud" persisted throughout the conjuration. Then, as the members of the group began vibrating the name of the spirit something started to slowly form in the blackness that covered the mirror. I waited, letting the image solidify, and when it no longer seemed to be forming I range the bell chime to stop the chant. What I saw was not particularly dramatic, but it was a definite form resembling a set of two eyes looking at me out of the blackness. I tried moving my head from side to side and found that the "eyes" seemed to stay in the same place on the mirror, unlike visual afterimages. I also found that I was able to sense the spirit's responses to questions and report them back to the group. Essentially, I was able to scry effectively for the first time in my life, and I plan on trying it again soon.
From this experience I now think that scrying ability might simply be relatd to the ability to relax and easily go into trance rather than some kind of unteachable psychic aptitude. There is of course some aptitude involved as in any human ability, and I probably will never be able to scry at the same level as people I have heard of who claim that scrying is just like watching television. However, with the brain machine it seems that I can do it well enough to get decent results at spirit communication. If you find yourself having trouble scrying a brain machine might be worth trying - the Nova Pro is kind of expensive, but there are cheaper models and most of them have alpha/theta programs similar to the one I used. If you do try it, let me know how it goes - it would be nice to have finally found a method by which most people can be taught to scry, since I have heard from a number of magicians that good scryers seem to be in short supply.

Hi Mr. Stenwick,
I appreciate your input, its always helpful.
I was not trying come across as winey, I just trying to learn how to become successful with the Saturn The Sun all the other rituals,
I have a few questions.
First it occured to me that the Tarot card, could be incorporated into the Planetary rituals some how? Like the Sun and The Moon cards. Not all cards have a direct like though. Does Saturn automatically correspond the Death card? Is Jupiter the Hierophant card ? The Chariot Mars?
What is your opinion?
The reason I asking is that sometimes a get a very strong feeling about what the card is trying communicate. Or my impression? or maybe a spirit is trying to communicate through the card. Or maybe some latent intuition?
Could this be another way of Spirit communication or something else?
Also is it possible that pious people or religious groups that don't like you, or don't approve of you can really place curses on you, even though they talk a lot about love and forgiveness. Kind of like a collective group curse?
send curses your way
No worries, happy to answer questions.
You can use Tarot cards to help focus your rituals. You do that by placing the card for the energy you are working with on your containment structure, so it will have an affinity with the conjured energy. The attributions are in Liber 777. For the planets, that would be Saturn - Universe/World, Jupiter - Fortune, Mars - The Tower, Sun - The Sun, Venus - The Empress, Mercury - The Magus, and Moon - The Priestess. Note that the Moon card is Pisces, not the Moon. The Hierophant is Taurus, The Chariot is Cancer, and Death is Scorpio. Every Major Arcana card represents a planet, element, or sign and you can work with them accordingly.
For spirit communication, you can do pathworking rituals and project yourself into the landscape of the card using focused active imagination. Whatever you experience in a ritual like that should relate to the energy of the card.
Of course they can, since any prayer for a specific objective is the same as a spell, just less disciplined and more inefficient. Numbers can make up for that to a degree. They call it "imprecatory prayer." Not sure why they would go after you in particular, but it's possible.
Hi Mr. Stenwick,
I live in The Bible Belt, and I guess I need to remember that discretion is the better part of valor, when coworkers bring up religion my pat response is I tell them I'm not interested. I'll have handed their literature back to them trying to be polite, others have said just take and dispose of it latter. They always look hurt or shocked. One aggressive one started talking about Jesus, so I informed him that everything Christian, was taken from Osiris and
Horus and Isis, even all the old Bible stories in the Old Testament came from thy Egyptians, (documentary Egyptian origins of the Bible). I was raised that way feeling or guilty or fearful of everything. These days Christianity just make me feel nauseous, because to much repetition breeds contempt.
I'm not trying to tell people what to believe, just not interested in sharing their beliefs. American Muslims are doing it now?!
It's annoying, not the end of the world, I was just interested in how you personally would shut it down either verbally or MAGICALLY?
I live in Minnesota where it is considered extremely rude to talk about religion at work, let alone proselytize. We're big on leaving each other alone in that regard.
From a magical standpoint, Saturn is good for getting people to leave you alone. Basically you want an intent like "go do your will over there, away from me." Or you could do something like Virgo for "invisibility." Magical invisibility doesn't make you transparent, it directs attention away from you. So either the Christians go and do what they do elsewhere with Saturn, or they ignore you with Virgo.
If you argue with these idiots, they often take it as a challenge and will refuse to leave you alone. Which is unfortunate - the main reason people don't like Christians is that they try to push their beliefs on everybody else, not that they "hate Jesus" or whatever nonsense the fundies ascribe to them.
Hi Mr. Stenwick,
So when you work with Saturn, Do you always have to be specific like a persons name or can you sometimes just use a general description like my enemies or please remove any and all curses, or please keep Fundamentalists or all negativity away from me?
I now this is going to sound weird, but could you curse an illness, like a bacterial or viral infection? (And yes I know your supposed to go to the doctor first.) To help a more speed recovery.
Would it simply be better to just work with Mercury in the first place?
Would it be better to work with Mars for any of this?
Yesterday I had a very surreal experience. I normally do LBRP, IRH, MP, LIRP,
before work, but I was running late and figured I would do it when I got home. It was a mistake, a bad one! I felt fine, until I got to work, and then started feeling really sick. I have been recovering from a viral eye infection, (which came out of nowhere) and things have Definitely started improving. Taking my medications and going to all of my expensive doctors appointments and doing LBRP, IRH, MP, LIRP, have definitely helped my recovery. The doctor's have been a drain on my families resources.
My coworker (whom I struggle to get along with who claims to be religious told me point black I have placed a curse on you and you will not get better you will get worse unless you pray and read your Bible every day?!
This was definitely a WTF moment? She is always trying to pry into my personal business, and always trying to cause trouble for me by spreading rumors behind my back but she sucks up to the boss so no action is ever taken!
I looked up symptoms of curses, witch include problems with working and family relationships, illnesses that come out of nowhere (never been sick) I accumulated over 390 sick hours I never had to use until now) and financial, which hardship the doctors appointments have caused.
I plan on working with Saturn to remove her curse and I would like to return the favor. Which should I attempt first! Is putting a curse on her automatically going to remove her curse? And how would Mars be useful here? What a load of BS! Why can she just leave me alone? I swear Christians in Texas are feral!
You can use descriptions like that, but usually spells work better with specific names (if you have one for what you are trying to do).
You could theoretically do that, not sure how well it would work. I generally work with Mercury for healing. Mars, though, rules things like surgery, so if you were doing a spell to help someone recover from an operation you can also use Mars. I've never personally tried Saturn.
Putting a curse on someone does not remove any curses they may have placed on you. You should remove whatever she put on you (which is not going to be very strong given that she's not a disciplined spellcaster) before you cast another on her.
Why do you close with LIRP in your sequence there? If I'm using GD forms I do LBRP. LIRH, Middle Pillar. You don't really need the LIRP after because the macrocosm contains the microcosm and you already are doing LIRH. If it's working for you go ahead and keep doing it, of course. I just haven't seen that sequence previously.
Scott, this idea that Jesus (Yeshua Ben Yosef) was a retelling of Osiris and Egyptian myths is complete bogus that was not even taken seriously by the fervent critics of Christianity at the time for whom it was getting sold for, for profit by atheist writers who were not Egyptologists, like Charles François Dupuis back in the 18th century. Meaning it was debunked already before he could turn a profit from his book. I'm actually surprised this J person believes in these debunked myths and claims. Authors like Jason Miller and Aaron Leitch have already contacted Jesus (Yeshua), his mother, his apostles and saints further on. Only authors like Nick Farrell have not attempted to contact Yeshua because of his own problems with Christ.
It only takes a quick google search to know that these Tiktok myths, and the corresponding ones for Old Testament that J is talking about, are not true.
Hi Mr. Stenwick,
I started going the LIRP, at that time just to keep in practice so I would forget about it or how to do it,. I have a bad habit of being a little obsessive/ compulsive. Your right as always and is not and was not necessary so I plan on dispensing with it in my daily practice. I did not include it in my Planetary work. I do my best to stick to the instructions to the letter. But I did go back and read your article on the Operant Field Invoking Field(LIRP/LIRH).
I started Invoking Field (LIRP/LIRH) MPR when I have been working with The Planets The Sun and Saturn. I figured I would experiment with this combination to see how well it worked. So far nothing, but I'm not perfect with performing The Sun and Saturn rituals yet either. Any advice here would be appreciated.
Also since my previous Sun/Saturn rituals haven't produced any results yet are the peridot and onyx stones i used before unusable now? I know you have warned against reusing offerings because spirits don't like, but I'm just talking about the stone not the cinnamon whiskey or absinth or assofoetida
or cinnamon or anything else. Or is it better to leave it alone?
Where you able obtain Scammony, Indigo? Some websites say there dangerous. Is there a another substitute I could use or is it strictly those two?
I did come across one website that had incense for Saturn called "Paths In the Dark" and "Roots of Saturn". They did not want to sale Scammony, Indigo for whatever reason. What your opinion? Is It bs?
Lastly is the (LBRP/LBRH) good for removing curses by themselves?
And Mars is still garlic, abstinthe, wormwood and can be used for self defense against curses, hexes, negative energy, and psychic attacks?
I did find red lava rock for Mars's stone, but I'm also thinking maybe just a piece of iron or would work? What's your opinion?
Hi Mr. Stenwick,
I believe wrote that in order to know what kind of liquor to use consider what ingredients went into it? So if I was doing a Saturn or Mars ritual is advisable to substitute the for just the ingredient and still be successful? Like Wormwood in place of absinthe? Or Cinnamon in place of Cinnamon Whisky? Or any green stone in place of Peridot?
Also, what about expectation of a rituals result what role if any does it play?
What about emotion does it have any relevance in this system of Magick?
I have been using the appropriate Planetary days and hours and have been making sure the is no Void of Course occurring before I start a ritual, but
there are some schools of Magick that emphasize placing a curse on someone while you know they are asleep, does that make since or is it B/S ?
@J - You can reuse stones for talismans, the new operation just wipes out whatever was on it before. Talismans and offerings are completely different things.
I don't actually use incense for most of my rituals. I have breathing issues and smoke of any kind is pretty bad for me. I've gotten good results without it, so I wouldn't say it's necessary.
LBRP/LBRH can remove curses on their own sometimes, but it's not the best method. You would be better off doing a Saturn or Mars operation of your own to specifically remove the curse. The fields in general will only do so much on their own.
I would think iron and lava rock would both work fine for Mars.
You can absolutely use the spices themselves as offerings rather than alcohol - cinnamon rather than cinnamon whiskey, to use your example.
As far as expectations you should be in a mindstate that your ritual will work when you cast it. Doubt makes your spell less powerful.
Strong emotions can provide energy to a spell as long as they are in harmony with the desired intent.
You can cast a curse on someone whether they're asleep or not. I've never seen it make any difference.
I think that's all of them. Let me know if I missed anything.
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