One of the basic tenets of the quantum information model of magick has to do with the interaction of consciousness and quantum information while said information remain in superposition. Those are some big words, but what they essentially mean is that before a collection of probabilities at the quantum level resolves into a fixed state, it is susceptible to manipulation by magick.
Shifting the likelihood of the various possible outcomes allows magick to influence the physical world without employing physical energy such as electromagnetic waves. Previous paranormal research has shown that psychic abilities are unrelated to these sorts of energies, and therefore magick should be as well. Magick works with the same abilities as "psychic powers," just in a more organized and optimized way.
This raises the question of how this consciousnes-superposition connection works, and what evidence of it would look like in the physical world. The very nature of superposition renders it unmeasurable by direct means, so that approach will not work. But here's an interesting discovery that suggests what evidence of it could look like.
Researchers from Queen Mary University of London have made a discovery that could change our understanding of the universe. In their study published on August 23 in the journal Science Advances, they reveal, for the first time, that there is a range in which fundamental constants can vary, allowing for the viscosity needed for life processes to occur within and between living cells. This is an important piece of the puzzle in determining where these constants come from and how they impact life as we know it.
In 2020, the same team discovered that the viscosity of liquids is determined by fundamental physical constants, setting a limit on how runny a liquid can be. Now this result is taken into the realm of life sciences. Fundamental physical constants shape the fabric of the universe we live in. Physical constants are quantities with a value that is generally believed to be both universal in nature and to remain unchanged over time – for example, the mass of the electron. They govern nuclear reactions and can lead to the formation of molecular structures essential to life, but their origin is unknown. This research might bring scientists one step closer to determining where these constants come from.
“Understanding how water flows in a cup turns out to be closely related to the grand challenge to figure out fundamental constants. Life processes in and between living cells require motion and it is viscosity that sets the properties of this motion. If fundamental constants change, viscosity would change too impacting life as we know it. For example, if water was as viscous as tar life would not exist in its current form or not exist at all. This applies beyond water, so all life forms using the liquid state to function would be affected.”
Here's why this discovery is important. Variation in the value of physical constants could result from probability shifts within superposition prior to wavefunction collapse into measurable physical states. A simple example of this would be to take (A) the wavefunction of a particle and combine it with (B) a probability shift of the same type as the wave itself. Constructive interference will shift the superposition, and thus the result will be shifted in a direction corresponding to the structure of the second wave, (B). In the context of a static physics equation, the constants that are part of the equation could seem to change.
I really this is, of course, not the only possible explanation for these results. I also realize that even if it is, the (B) wave might turn out to be unrelated to consciousness acting on the superposition. It is interesting, though, that so far the latest scientific discoveries remain compatible with the tenets of the quantum information model of magick rather than contradicting them. I follow these developments closely and have not seen anything that requires an adjustment in years. That's still not proof, of course, but it is better for the model than the alternative.
I am convinced that eventually scientific research will be able to demonstrate what this relationship is and how it works. The field of consciousness studies continues along, and since I know that magick works, I also know that at some point the mechanism will be understood better. The fact that magick works has a number of interesting implications for what an accurate model of consicousness might finally look like, but of course nobody in the sciences is talking to us magicians. At least not yet.

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