Saturday, September 21, 2024

Seb-Hed Ritual for 2024

Today's post is the full script for the Seb-Hed Ritual that we will be performing tomorrow evening, Sunday September 24th, for the Autumnal Equinox at Leaping Laughter here in Minneapolis. The Seb-Hed is based on a rite of renewal practiced for the pharaohs of ancient Egypt, updated with modern ritual forms and so forth. It invokes the balanced energies of Set and Horus, who in ancient times represented Upper and Lower Egypt. Doors open at 6:00 PM with the ritual to start at 7 PM.

0. The Temple

The Set altar is in the North, and Horus altar is in the South. The material basis is placed on each altar; red wine or juice for Set, white wine or juice for Horus. A statue of each deity is placed on the corresponding altar. A third larger altar with a chalice is placed between them and slightly to temple east. This allows the Officiant and other participants to stand directly between the Set and Horus altar during the ritual. The invoking wand and banishing dagger are placed on this central altar.

I. Opening

Officiant performs the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram using the banishing dagger.

Officiant: We take refuge in Nuit, the blue-lidded daughter of sunset, the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night sky, as we issue the call to the awakened nature of all beings, for every man and every woman is a star.


Officiant: We take refuge in Set-An, the secret Black Flame that burns in every heart of man and in the core of every star, as we issue the call to our own awakened nature, arousing the coiled serpent about to spring.

(pronounced KEH-fer)

Officiant: We take refuge in Har-Wer, who wields the wand of double power, the wand of the force of Coph Nia, but whose left hand is empty for he has crushed an universe and naught remains, as we unite our awakened natures with those of all beings everywhere and everywhen, dissolving all obstacles and healing all suffering.


Officiant: For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.

All: All is pure and present and has always been so, for existence is pure joy; all the sorrows are but as shadows; they pass and are done; but there is that which remains. To this realization we commit ourselves – pure and total presence.

All: So mote it be.

Officiant performs the Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram (Comselh Ananael or standard version) using the invoking wand, replacing ARARITA with SOTHIS.

II. The Opening of the Pylons

Each of the six pylons may be opened by the Officiant, or another participant. Standing in the center and holding the invoking wand, make the Sign of Rending the Veil to the proper direction while calling upon the associated deity. The capitalized deity names are vibrated.

North: I call on NEBT-HUT to open the Pylon of the North, the Realm of her husband, Set, wherein revolves the Constellation of the Thigh, in the Uttermost North.

East: I call on ASA, Great of Magick, to open the Pylon of the East, the Realm of her Father, Ra, the Falcon of Creation whose Phallus gave Life to all.

South: I call upon MONTU, Warrior Lord of Thebes, to open the Pylon of the South, the Realm of Ptah, Master Craftsman who brings Fire to the Will of all men and Stars.

West: I call on HET-HAR to open the Pylon of the West, the Realm of the Dead and the House of Jubilation, where joy and happiness reign in Eternal Splendor.

Upward: I call on NUT to open the Pylon of the Heavens, the Realm of the Stars of the Vault of the Sky, the Company of Heaven, and the Abode of the Gods.

Downward: I call on ANPU to open the Pylon of the Tuat, the Realm of Asar the Slain, who has sunk deep within the Earth to learn how to be Reborn.

The six pylons are now open.

III. Call to Set, to the North

The Call to Set may be performed by the Officiant, or another participant. Standing in the center facing north, make the Sign of the Enterer, then the Sign of Apophis and Typhon.

Set, Dark Lord of the Night.
Lord of Becoming ever more.
Brother of Har-Wer the Elder.
We, the Magicians of Earth, seek after the Mysteries of Reunion,
that your Essence and your Works may endure forever.
We stand in the middle of the Six Gates of the Universe and call out to you.
Make your presence known to us, here assembled.
We call out to Set, Lord of the Desert, Lord of the Horizon,
Thunder-Lord, Master of the Night,
Giver of the Black Flame and of Nightmares,
Prince of Darkness,
Revealer of the Paths to Immortality,
Bringer of Storms, Master of the Foreign Lands:
Come to us on the back of Kephri,
to this Seb-Hed Rite, the Rite of Renewal.
Bless, we pray you, and empower the material basis by your side.

IV. Call to Har-Wer (Horus the Elder), to the South

The Call to Har-Wer may be performed by the Officiant, or another participant. Standing in the center facing south, make the Sign of the Enterer, then the Sign of Horus Triumphant. The Sign of Horus Triumphant is the reverse of the Hailing Sign of a Magician from the Gnostic Mass, with left hand on heart and right arm held vertical at a ninety-degree angle to the shoulder.

Horus, Lord of the Bright Sky.
Lord of the Sun,
Horus, the Golden-winged Hawk of the South,
Brother of Set.
We, the Magicians of Earth, seek after the Mysteries of Reunion,
that your Essence and your Works may endure till the end of Time.
We stand in the middle of the Six Gates of the Universe and call out to you.
Make your presence known to us, here assembled.
We call out to Horus, Lord over Upper Egypt,
Sky-Master, Ruler of the Day,
Prince upon the Throne,
Who overthrew the Horror of the Preceding Age,
Brilliant and Radiant Son of Tefnut and Shu,
Guardian of the Holy, Bringer of the Wisdom of Ages:
Come to us upon the Fiery Glory of Your Enveloping Wings,
to this Seb-Hed Rite, the Rite of Renewal.
Bless, we pray you, and empower the material basis by your side.

V. The Union of Light and Dark

From the center the Officiant proclaims mightily:

Here in the center of space and time we touch upon the place where time is not.
Let us then make a mighty magick for ourselves both now and in the millions of years
which shall follow.
The world is changed by our words. We are changed by our words.
May Set and Har-Wer be United!

(Statues of Set and Horus are physically united)

And by that Union shall Apep, the Serpent of Delusion, be slain.
The power of the Reunion fills us with grandeur and renewal,
and we are made different by our will and our words.

Officiant then mixes the two material bases, representing Set and Horus, in the chalice on the central altar. Officers followed by each participant will then drink of the unified power of the Twin Brothers. Before drinking, the participant shall proclaim strongly:

By Set and Horus, I am Renewed in Strength Divine,
that I may attain the accomplishment of my True Will.

VI: The Affirmations

Officiant: We will grow in knowledge and power.

All: We have grown in knowledge and power.

Officiant: We will grow in memory and wealth.

All: We have grown in memory and wealth.

Officiant: We will cast our enemies to the place of destruction and death.

All: We have cast our enemies to the place of destruction and death.

Officiant: We will bless our friends and allies that they may grow and prosper.

All: We have blessed our friends and allies that they may grow and prosper.

Officiant: We shall come to know and see all that is beautiful.

All: We have come to know and see all that is beautiful.

Officiant: Our voices shall echo through the Universe forever.

All: Our voices have echoed through the Universe forever.

Officiant: Let the first Law of the Aeon be repeated now and for millions of years.


There is a short pause.

VII: The Declaration of Sovereignty

Officiant: I proclaim myself a King in this world, in these Two Lands.

All: I proclaim myself a King/Queen in this world, in these Two Lands.

Each participant declares one time to the North, and one time to the South:


At this point each participant may visualize his or her specific intent for the upcoming year.

VIII: Offering

The chalice should not be entirely drained. Officiant indicates the remaining material basis.

Officiant: Unto Set and Horus, Twin brothers, Lord of Darkness and Lord of Light, we hereby make this offering unto you, that you may renew us, fortify us, bless us, and facilitate the accomplishment of our wills and intentions, for such is all true magick and perfect power born. AUMGN AUMGN AUMGN.

All: So mote it be!

IX: Closing

The pylons may be closed by the Officiant, or another participant. Whoever opened each pylon should also be the one who closes it. Standing in the center and holding the invoking wand, make the Sign of Closing the Veil to the proper direction while calling upon the associated deity. The capitalized deity names are vibrated.

North: I call on NEBT-HUT to close the Pylon of the North, the Realm of her husband, Set, wherein revolves the Constellation of the Thigh, in the Uttermost North.

East: I call on ASA, Great of Magick, to close the Pylon of the East, the Realm of her Father, Ra, the Falcon of Creation whose Phallus gave Life to all.

South: I call upon MONTU, Warrior Lord of Thebes, to close the Pylon of the South, the Realm of Ptah, Master Craftsman who brings Fire to the Will of all men and Stars.

West: I call on HET-HAR to close the Pylon of the West, the Realm of the Dead and the House of Jubilation, where joy and happiness reign in Eternal Splendor.

Upward: I call on NUT to close the Pylon of the Heavens, the Realm of the Stars of the Vault of the Sky, the Company of Heaven, and the Abode of the Gods.

Downward: I call on ANPU to close the Pylon of the Tuat, the Realm of Asar the Slain, who has sunk deep within the Earth to learn how to be Reborn.

Officiant concludes with the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram using the banishing dagger. Battery: 1. The rite is complete.

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