A number of writers have come up with Enochian pentagram rituals of this sort and they all share certain similarities. It is pretty clear that the most logical names to use when tracing the pentagrams are the threefold names of God from Dee and Kelley's Great Table (ORO IBAH AOZPI, MPH ARSL GAIOL, OIP TEAA PDOCE, and MOR DIAL HCTGA) and the most logical equivalents to the Archangels are the Kings of the four directions (BATAIVAH, RAAGIOSL, EDLPRNAA, and ICZHIHAL).
Beyond that, though, there are a number of differences between my version of the ritual and the other versions that are available.
- Instead of trying to reproduce the Qabalistic Cross I instead begin and end my version of the ritual by tracing the figure of the pentagram across my body accompanied by names from the Tablet of Union. To me this embodies the statement in the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram "About me flames the Pentagram." The ritual begins with the Invoking Pentagram of Active Spirit and ends with the Invoking Pentagram of Passive Spirit, setting up the two basic polarities of the suble body.
- I use the directional arrangement from the Reformed Great Table of 1587. There is some discussion among magicians regarding which version of the Great Table is the "best" but I have found that I get better magical results with the Reformed version. It's good to test this out, because your experience may vary.
- For this version I have finally given up on the idea of associating specific elements with each direction. Most authors do this using the Golden Dawn arrangement, with which I have some issues. In fact, the original Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram uses the Pentagram of Earth for all four quarters. I have done the same here.
- There is no English in my ritual - the entire text is written in the Angelic language, which I believe makes it more effective. It works even better if you do it while wearing the Enochian PELE ring.
- My final statement is completely different from the Golden Dawn version. It is a Thelemic allusion to the union of Nuit and Hadit.
- Stand in the center of your temple facing east. If possible, wear the Enochian PELE ring. If you wish to use a magical weapon, use the banishing dagger for the banishing form and the invoking wand for the invoking form. Your Air Dagger and Fire Wand can double as these, but I prefer to use dedicated tools.
- With your finger or magical weapon, trace from your left hip to your right shoulder while vibrating NANTA (Earth), from your right shoulder to left shoulder while vibrating HCOMA (Water), from your left shoulder to right hip while vibrating EXARP (Air), from your right hip to your forehead while vibrating BITOM (Fire), and finally from your forehead back to your left hip while vibrating EHNB (Spirit). Then clasp your hands over your heart and vibrate IAIDA ("The Highest"). Visualize the pentagram traced over your body in bright electric lavender.
- In the east, trace the Banishing Pentagram of Earth while vibrating ORO IBAH AOZPI. The pentagrams should be visualized as formed from burning flames and as vividly as possible.
- Turn to the north. In the north, trace the Banishing Pentagram of Earth while vibrating MOR DIAL HCTGA.
- Turn to the west. In the west, trace the Banishing Pentagram of Earth while vibrating OIP TEAA PDOCE.
- Turn to the south. In the south, trace the Banishing Pentagram of Earth while vibrating MPH ARSL GAIOL.
- Turn back to the east. Extend your arms to form a cross and vibrate:
Make one full spin counter-clockwise while vibrating MICMA AO COMSELH AOIVEAE ("Behold the Circle of Stars"), then clasp your hands over your heart while vibrating OD OL, MALPRG, NOTHOA ("And I, Through-Thrusting Fire, in the Midst."). - With your finger or magical weapon, trace from your right hip to your left shoulder while vibrating EHNB, from your left shoulder to your right shoulder while vibrating BITOM, from your right shoulder to left hip while vibrating EXARP, from your left hip to your forehead while vibrating HCOMA, and finally from your forehead back to your right hip while vibrating NANTA. Then clasp your hands over your heart and vibrate IAIDA. Visualize the pentagram traced over your body in dark, deep purple.
A number of variations on this ritual are possible. It can be adapted to fit the Golden Dawn directional arrangement without too much difficulty - you swap the names associated with the west and south, so that you vibrate OIP TEAA PDOCE in the south and MPH ARSL GAIOL in the west, and switch RAAGIOSL and EDLPRNAA when calling the Kings. I like to trace the pentagrams as I vibrate the associated name, but you could also visualize the pentagrams on your forehead and "fling" them to the quarters along with the vibrations as in Aleister Crowley's Star Ruby.

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