Suzanne Collins's Hunger Games trilogy has become one of the most popular young adult series in the United States. Predictably, it has also attracted the attention of the sort of people who think books containing content deemed offensive should be banned, and was the third most challenged book series of 2011.
Given the history of book challenges this is not particularly surprising - the series is a dystopian work that is quite dark and relatively violent by young adult fiction standards. However, what I find bizarre is that in addition to being challenged on violence, the series was also challenged as "occult/satanic."
My understanding is that the series is straight dystopian science fiction with no paranormal or fantasy elements, so how exactly does this work? Could it be that those pushing to ban it have not even read it? In some ways it strikes me as more disturbing if they did, because it implies a view of occultism that is completely disconnected from reality. Is the series "Satanic" because the world it depicts just plain sucks? By that definition, much of regular life also qualifies and I suppose that means Satanists are everywhere.
Now I have not read the series myself, so I could be way off base here and maybe somebody can set me straight. Is there any occultism in the Hunger Games trilogy? If so, maybe I would find it worth reading.
Given the history of book challenges this is not particularly surprising - the series is a dystopian work that is quite dark and relatively violent by young adult fiction standards. However, what I find bizarre is that in addition to being challenged on violence, the series was also challenged as "occult/satanic."
1. ttyl; ttfn; l8r, g8r (series), by Lauren Myracle
Reasons: offensive language; religious viewpoint; sexually explicit; unsuited to age group
2. The Color of Earth (series), by Kim Dong Hwa
Reasons: nudity; sex education; sexually explicit; unsuited to age group
3. The Hunger Games trilogy, by Suzanne Collins
Reasons: anti-ethnic; anti-family; insensitivity; offensive language; occult/satanic; violence
My understanding is that the series is straight dystopian science fiction with no paranormal or fantasy elements, so how exactly does this work? Could it be that those pushing to ban it have not even read it? In some ways it strikes me as more disturbing if they did, because it implies a view of occultism that is completely disconnected from reality. Is the series "Satanic" because the world it depicts just plain sucks? By that definition, much of regular life also qualifies and I suppose that means Satanists are everywhere.
Now I have not read the series myself, so I could be way off base here and maybe somebody can set me straight. Is there any occultism in the Hunger Games trilogy? If so, maybe I would find it worth reading.

I've only read the first book, but the closest it came to occultism is "May the odds be ever in your favor.", which is just a way of saying "Good luck.".
Yeah, I figured it was probably something like that - completely groundless.
Generally speaking, book banners are not known for their critical thinking, or for that matter reading comprehension skills. In fact, much of the time they don't even read the books, but rather pass along something they once heard somebody say about it because it made the book sound really bad and it stuck in their minds.
Excellent article. If you want to see how deep the satanic rabbit hole goes, then check this out
Wow, that's quite a trip!
Is there anybody those folks think is not a "practicing Satanist?"
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