As a followup to yesterday's post about Russian yetis, I came across this article about a group of American cryptozoologists who have a new idea for hunting the sasquatch, the yeti's North American cousin. The sasquatch or bigfoot is known to be quiet, shy, and elusive. It seems to hear hunters coming a mile away and disappear without a trace into the forest. The theory goes that what bigfoot hunters really need is something silent or almost so that can navigate the difficult terrain of the Pacific Northwest's mountains. The technology has finally caught up on that front, and investigators now hope to track the mysterious creature using a remote-controlled stealth airship.
As I mentioned in yesterday's article, there's fairly solid evidence that the Himalayan yeti is actually a known species of bear. With regard to the sasquatch, I'll direct you to this article from Occult View. It points out how easy it would be for an animal that transitions from walking on two legs to running on four to seemingly vanish in the woods, since investigators are only looking for an upright-walking bigfoot. If the sasquatch is in fact a type of bear it would almost certainly do this the moment it sensed pursuers, since bears can only run effectively on four legs.
In fact, many of the bigfoot photos out there could be of bears. They are the only large animals in North America that could possibly be mistaken for a bipedal ape, and often in cases such as these the simplest answer is the one that turns out to be true. However, that's a question this stealth airship should be able to help answer. If the methodology works, we should see plenty of footage of bears whether or not a sasquatch is detected, and if something is found that looks truly different it should be easy to compare the two sets of data.
Using a 45-foot-long, camera-mounted, remote-controlled airship, project founder William Barnes plans to work with a team that includes one scientist to conduct nighttime flyovers of reported Bigfoot hotspots around the United States.
Barnes, a gold dredger whose current endeavor was inspired by an alleged encounter with a Bigfoot-like creature he claims to have had in 1997, thinks the helium-filled craft will allow his team to succeed where others have failed due to its unprecedented advantages in two key areas: stealth and maneuverability.
The camera aboard the craft can film in infrared, thermal imaging and high definition. And as the ship scans densely wooded regions from a penetrating vantage, it will never spook a potential subject with a broken twig or run out of breath in a one-sided foot race, Barnes believes.
As I mentioned in yesterday's article, there's fairly solid evidence that the Himalayan yeti is actually a known species of bear. With regard to the sasquatch, I'll direct you to this article from Occult View. It points out how easy it would be for an animal that transitions from walking on two legs to running on four to seemingly vanish in the woods, since investigators are only looking for an upright-walking bigfoot. If the sasquatch is in fact a type of bear it would almost certainly do this the moment it sensed pursuers, since bears can only run effectively on four legs.
In fact, many of the bigfoot photos out there could be of bears. They are the only large animals in North America that could possibly be mistaken for a bipedal ape, and often in cases such as these the simplest answer is the one that turns out to be true. However, that's a question this stealth airship should be able to help answer. If the methodology works, we should see plenty of footage of bears whether or not a sasquatch is detected, and if something is found that looks truly different it should be easy to compare the two sets of data.

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