Could anything possibly be dumber than denying the existence of something that you directly experience every single day? I honestly sat here for a bit and gave it some thought, and you know what? I can't come up with anything. But there really are such folks as "consciousness deniers." That is, people who contend that your subjective sense of awareness doesn't really exist. I suppose you can define a world in which "real" and "objective" are synonyms, and since consciousness is by definition subjective it must be unreal, but that's really quite silly.
As the late Stephen Hawking demonstrated in his work on black holes, particles aren't even "objective" in the philosophical sense because their nature is not constant across all possible frames of reference. So that sets up a world in which nothing at all is "real" - and so, in another sense, everything might as well be. The particles making up a baseball bat may not be entirely objective, but they're real enough to hit you in the face. Likewise, your consciousness is real enough to be aware that getting hit in the face with that baseball bat hurts.
The illusion argument has pretty much gone full stupid these days. There's no evidence that we're living in a "matrix" or some other computer simulation besides misunderstood statistics. The observation that the universe appears to be "holographic" doesn't mean that everything in the world is a "hologram" - a hologram is holographic, but not everything that is holographic is a hologram. The same thing is true of the brain's seemingly "holographic" memory storage. In the arguments of ill-informed people, the word has taken on a similar function to how "quantum" was being used twenty-some years ago.
As I've mentioned here before, I'm of the opinion that someday a device will be invented that will be able to measure consciousness, and render it as "objective" as anything else in the universe. Once that happens, we'll have an amazing new tool for studying the effects of both magical and mystical states of consciousness. At that point, the deniers will basically become "truthers." But what is their truth, really? "You're not conscious or aware, you just think you are?"
As the late Stephen Hawking demonstrated in his work on black holes, particles aren't even "objective" in the philosophical sense because their nature is not constant across all possible frames of reference. So that sets up a world in which nothing at all is "real" - and so, in another sense, everything might as well be. The particles making up a baseball bat may not be entirely objective, but they're real enough to hit you in the face. Likewise, your consciousness is real enough to be aware that getting hit in the face with that baseball bat hurts.
The Denial began in the twentieth century and continues today in a few pockets of philosophy and psychology and, now, information technology. It had two main causes: the rise of the behaviorist approach in psychology, and the naturalistic approach in philosophy. These were good things in their way, but they spiraled out of control and gave birth to the Great Silliness. I want to consider these main causes first, and then say something rather gloomy about a third, deeper, darker cause. But before that, I need to comment on what is being denied—consciousness, conscious experience, experience for short.
What is it? Anyone who has ever seen or heard or smelled anything knows what it is; anyone who has ever been in pain, or felt hungry or hot or cold or remorseful, dismayed, uncertain, or sleepy, or has suddenly remembered a missed appointment. All these things involve what are sometimes called “qualia”—that is to say, different types or qualities of conscious experience. What I am calling the Denial is the denial that anyone has ever really had any of these experiences. Perhaps it’s not surprising that most Deniers deny that they’re Deniers. “Of course, we agree that consciousness or experience exists,” they say—but when they say this they mean something that specifically excludes qualia.
Who are the Deniers? I have in mind—at least—those who fully subscribe to something called “philosophical behaviorism” as well as those who fully subscribe to something called “functionalism” in the philosophy of mind. Few have been fully explicit in their denial, but among those who have been, we find Brian Farrell, Paul Feyerabend, Richard Rorty, and the generally admirable Daniel Dennett. Ned Block once remarked that Dennett’s attempt to fit consciousness or “qualia” into his theory of reality “has the relation to qualia that the US Air Force had to so many Vietnamese villages: he destroys qualia in order to save them.”
One of the strangest things the Deniers say is that although it seems that there is conscious experience, there isn’t really any conscious experience: the seeming is, in fact, an illusion. The trouble with this is that any such illusion is already and necessarily an actual instance of the thing said to be an illusion. Suppose you’re hypnotized to feel intense pain. Someone may say that you’re not really in pain, that the pain is illusory, because you haven’t really suffered any bodily damage. But to seem to feel pain is to be in pain. It’s not possible here to open up a gap between appearance and reality, between what is and what seems.
The illusion argument has pretty much gone full stupid these days. There's no evidence that we're living in a "matrix" or some other computer simulation besides misunderstood statistics. The observation that the universe appears to be "holographic" doesn't mean that everything in the world is a "hologram" - a hologram is holographic, but not everything that is holographic is a hologram. The same thing is true of the brain's seemingly "holographic" memory storage. In the arguments of ill-informed people, the word has taken on a similar function to how "quantum" was being used twenty-some years ago.
As I've mentioned here before, I'm of the opinion that someday a device will be invented that will be able to measure consciousness, and render it as "objective" as anything else in the universe. Once that happens, we'll have an amazing new tool for studying the effects of both magical and mystical states of consciousness. At that point, the deniers will basically become "truthers." But what is their truth, really? "You're not conscious or aware, you just think you are?"

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