Monday, March 23, 2020

Reading Supplement for March 23

March 23 – Qoph (Pisces, The Moon)

Reading I: Liber VII, Cap VI.

Officiant: The night falls like a spangled cloak from the shoulders of a prince upon a slave.
All: He rises a free man!
Officiant: And at last I smite myself into him as a vision smiteth into a stone, and whom I call must follow.
All: He rises a free man!

Reading II: "The Dark Night of the Soul" by San Juan de la Cruz.

Officiant: The Body of Man is but his Shadow; it cometh and goeth even as the Tides of the Ocean.
All: He only is in Darkness who is hidden by that shadow from the Light of His True Self.
Officiant: For thy Changes are not Phases of Thee, but of the Phantoms which thou mistakest for thy Self.
All: He only is in Darkness who is hidden by that shadow from the Light of His True Self.

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