(Original ritual text by Saint Aleister Crowley according to the vision of Ouarda the Seer, adapted by Ananael Qaa and Lalitha)
All stand facing east and are given a copy of the Confession printed on parchment paper. A flaming sword (flamberge) is placed on the altar, along with a large bowl suitable for burning paper. Horus is visualized appearing in the east as a human figure with the head of a hawk in the east towering over the participants.
Officiant opens the ritual with the Star Ruby.
All assembled then read the Confession.
Unprepared and uninvoking Thee, we are here in Thy Presence – for Thou art Everywhere, O Lord Horus! – to confess humbly before Thee my neglect and scorn of Thee. How shall we humble ourselves enough before Thee? Thou art the mighty and unconquered Lord of the Universe: we are the sparks of Thine unutterable Radiance.
How should we approach Thee? But Thou art Everywhere. With unwashen hands therefore we come unto Thee, and lament our wandering from Thee – but Thou knowest!
Yea, we have done evil!
All bow to the east.
We bow our necks before Thee, so are we in Thy hands. Strike if Thou wilt: spare if Thou wilt: but accept us as we are. Our trust is in Thee: shall we be confounded? For that All is in Thee and of Thee; it is enough if we burn up in the intolerable glory of Thy presence.
Rays of golden light shine forth from the figure of Horus and enter the crown chakras of all assembled, moving through their bodies all the way down to the feet and purifying all actions taken that are out of harmony with the operation of True Will. There is a short pause for this visualization. Each person rises as he or she feels the purification is complete. When all have risen the rite continues, led by the Officiant.
Enough! We turn toward Thy Promise. Doubtful are the Words: Dark are the Ways: but in Thy Words and Ways is Light. Thus then now as ever, we enter the Path of Darkness, if haply so we may attain the Light. Hail!
Each person places his or her Confession in the offering bowl on the altar in the east. The Officiant then lights them and all watch as they burn. The smoke rises to the figure of Horus, who accepts the offering and responds by sending forth golden light that fills the temple. This visualization continues until the end of the invocation. The light becomes brighter and stronger as the rite goes on.
Officiant goes to the altar in the east and takes up the flaming sword. The Officiant wields the flaming sword throughout the rite, though it may be passed if different individuals are officiating each section.
Officiant opens the invocation proper with the Star Sapphire.
Chorus or Officiant: Strike, strike the master chord! Draw, draw the Flaming Sword! Crowned Child and Conquering Lord, Horus, avenger!
Officiant makes the Sign of Apophis and Typhon wielding the sword. After each of the following statements by the Officiant, all make the Sign of Apophis and Typhon and say “Thee, Thee, I invoke” loudly.
O Thou of the Head of the Hawk!
Thou only-begotten-child of Osiris Thy Father, and Isis Thy Mother. He that was slain ; She that bore Thee in Her womb flying from the Terror of the Water.
O Thou whose Apron is of flashing white, whiter than the Forehead of the Morning!
O Thou who hast formulated Thy Father and made fertile Thy Mother!
O Thou whose garment is of golden glory with the azure bars of sky!
Thou, who didst avenge the Horror of Death; Thou the slayer of Typhon! Thou who didst lift Thine arms, and the Dragons of Death were as dust: Thou who didst raise Thine Head, and the Crocodile of Nile was abased before Thee!
O Thou whose Nemyss hideth the Universe with night, the impermeable Blue!
Thou who travellest in the Boat of Ra, abiding at the Helm of the Aftet boat and of the Sektet boat!
Thou who bearest the Wand of Double Power!
Thou about whose presence is shed the darkness of Blue Light, the unfathomable glory of the outmost Ether, the untravelled, the unthinkable immensity of Space. Thou who concentrest all the Thirty Ethers in one darkling sphere of Fire!
O Thou who bearest the Rose and Cross of Life and Light!
Officiant sets down the sword and turns to face the assembly.
Chorus or Officiant: The Voice of the Five. The Voice of the Six. Eleven are the Voices.
All: Abrahadabra!
Officiant then turns back to the east and takes up the sword. This may be the same individual who officiated for the first section, or another.
Chorus or Officiant: Strike, strike the master chord! Draw, draw the Flaming Sword! Crowned Child and Conquering Lord, Horus, avenger!
Officiant makes the Sign of Apophis and Typhon wielding the sword. After each of the following statements by the Officiant, all make the Sign of Apophis and Typhon and say “Thee, Thee, I invoke” loudly.
By thy name of Ra, I invoke Thee, Hawk of the Sun, the glorious one!
By thy name Harmachis, youth of the Brilliant Morning, I invoke Thee!
By thy name, Mau, I invoke Thee, Lion of the Midday Sun!
By thy name Tum, Hawk of the Even, crimson splendour of the Sunset, I invoke Thee!
By thy name Khep-Ra I invoke Thee, O Beetle of the hidden Mastery of Midnight!
By thy name Heru-pa-Kraat, Lord of Silence, Beautiful Child that standest on the Dragons of the Deep, I invoke Thee!
By thy name Apollo, I invoke Thee, O man of Strength and splendour, O poet, O father!
By thy name of Phoebus, that drivest thy chariot through the Heaven of Zeus, I invoke Thee!
By thy name of Odin I invoke Thee, O warrior of the North, O Renown of the Sagas!
By thy name of Jeheshua, O child of the Flaming Star, I invoke Thee!
By Thine own, Thy secret name Hoori, Thee I invoke!
Officiant sets down the sword and turns to face the assembly.
Chorus or Officiant: The Names are Five. The Names are Six. Eleven are the Names!
All: Abrahadabra!
Officiant: Behold! I stand in the midst. Mine is the symbol of Osiris; to Thee are mine eyes ever turned. Unto the splendour of Geburah, the Magnificence of Chesed, the mystery of Daath, thither I lift up mine eyes. This have I sought, and I have sought the Unity: hear Thou me!
Officiant then takes up the sword. This may be the same individual who officiated for the previous section, or another. Officiant makes the Sign of Apophis and Typhon wielding the sword. After each of the following statements by the Officiant, all make the Sign of Apophis and Typhon and say “Thee, Thee, I invoke” loudly.
Mine is the Head of the Man, and my insight is keen as the Hawk's. By my head I invoke Thee!
I am the only-begotten child of my Father and Mother. By my body I invoke Thee!
About me shine the Diamonds of Radiance white and pure. By their brightness I invoke Thee!
Mine is the Red Triangle Reversed, the Sign given of none, save it be of Thee, O Lord! By the Lamen I invoke Thee!
Mine is the garment of white sewn with gold, the flashing abbai that I wear. By my robe I invoke Thee!
Mine is the sign of Apophis and Typhon! By the sign I invoke Thee!
Mine is the turban of white and gold, and mine the blue vigour of the intimate air! By my crown I invoke Thee!
My mystic sigils travel in the Bark of the Akasa! By the spells I invoke Thee!
I bear the Wand of Double Power in the Voice of the Master – Abrahadabra! By the word I invoke Thee!
Mine are the dark-blue waves of music in the song that I made of old to invoke Thee – Strike, strike the master chord! Draw, draw the Flaming Sword! Crowned Child and Conquering Lord, Horus, avenger! By the Song I invoke Thee!
In my hand is thy Sword of Revenge ; let it strike at Thy Bidding! By the Sword I invoke Thee!
Officiant sets down the sword and turns to face the assembly.
Chorus or Officiant: The Voice of the Five. The Voice of the Six. Eleven are the Voices.
All: Abrahadabra!
Officiant then takes up the sword. This may be the same individual who officiated for the previous section, or another. Officiant makes the Sign of Apophis and Typhon wielding the sword. After each of the following statements by the Officiant, all make the Sign of Apophis and Typhon and say “ABRAHADABRA!” loudly.
Mine is the Head of the Hawk!
I am the only-begotten-child of Osiris Thy Father, and Isis Thy Mother. He that was slain; She that bore me in Her womb flying from the Terror of the Water.
My Apron is of flashing white, whiter than the Forehead of the Morning!
I have formulated my Father and made fertile my Mother!
My garment is of golden glory with the azure bars of sky!
I didst avenge the Horror of Death; I am the slayer of Typhon!
I lifted my arms, and the Dragons of Death were as dust: I raised my Head, and the Crocodile of Nile was abased before me!
My Nemyss hides the Universe with night, the impermeable Blue!
I travel in the Boat of Ra, abiding at the Helm of the Aftet boat and of the Sektet boat!
I bear the Wand of Double Power!
About my presence is shed the darkness of Blue Light, the unfathomable glory of the outmost Ether, the untravelled, the unthinkable immensity of Space. I concentrate all the Thirty Ethers in one darkling sphere of Fire!
I bear the Rose and Cross of Life and Light!
All hold the Sign of Apophis and Typhon following the last “ABRAHADABRA.”
Officiant: Therefore I say unto thee: Come forth and dwell in me; so that every my Spirit, whether of the Firmament, or of the Ether, or of the Earth or under the Earth; on dry land or in the Water, or Whirling Air or of Rushing Fire; and every spell and scourge of God the Vast One may be THOU.
All: Abrahadabra!
A meditation upon Horus may be added at this point, delineated by the bell chime.
Officiant: There is success. I now declare this temple duly closed.
Officiant then gives one knock with the banishing dagger.

With a few strategic word and name changes, this could be an invocation to Christ... Btw, which of Crowley's Libers is this taken from?
Yes, it could be. In fact, Jeheshua is right there in section Beth.
This ritual is adapted from Crowley's Invocation of Horus. The original can be found online in a number of places, such as here:
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