Did you ever come up with an idea that was so good you wish you had put it in a book? Today's article is one of those ideas. Back when I was putting together Mastering the Mystical Heptarchy this would have been the perfect addition to the manuscript, and if I ever sell enough of them to merit a second edition I likely will be adding it as an additional appendix, provided it works as well as I think it might. I don't necessarily know that I'm the first person to work this out; once you see the pattern it's so obvious that it's hard for me to believe that nobody's published it or discussed it before. Still, I haven't seen it posted anywhere online, and it's certainly an idea worth sharing.
One of the things that I kept running across in my Heptarchial work is that there are no "Angelic Keys" for the Heptarchial system, or at least nothing that is explicitly identified as such. The workaround I came up with is to employ the First and/or Second Watchtower keys for Heptarchial work. Still it remains an unsatisfactory solution in that it's applying a piece of the system that's more properly associated with the Watchtowers to the Heptarchia Mystica. Now Liber Loagaeth is one of the pieces of the Enochian system that nobody really seems to know what to do with. In the early 1990's George Hay published a book claiming it to be an enciphered copy of the Necronomicon, which would have been a neat trick seeing as Lovecraft started writing centuries later. The text from Liber Loagaeth that I'm using can be found here, at Joseph Peterson's esoteric archives.
As you can see, the text consists of lines numbered from 1 to 48 with a "Leaf A" and "Leaf B" for each number. Some of these "leaves" are short phrases, but most are between one and three words. While the language in some ways resembles the later Angelic of the Watchtower Keys, there is little overlap between them in terms of specific words, and no English translation of the text was ever received by John Dee and Edward Kelley. In terms of the order of revelation, Liber Loagaeth falls between the Heptarchial material and the Angelic Keys. Like the Loagaeth leaves, the Angelic Keys are also numbered 1-48, and in volume one of his Angelic Language series Aaron Leitch proposed that the leaves and Angelic Keys are thus associated with each other and used together, and that in fact there's no connection between the Watchtowers and Angelic Keys at all.
I'm going to propose a different idea here. Rather than associating the leaves with the Keys that came after them, I'm going to associate them with the material that came before them - the angelic royalty of the Heptarchia Mystica. The Heptarchial wheel shown above is part of that equation, with the immediate issue that it is numbered 1-49, not 1-48. In fact, though, there is a 49th leaf, it's just not included in Peterson's text. On page 19 of Meric Causaubon's True and Faithful Relation, the angels tell Dee and Kelley "You have the 48, now write the 49th. Write first on a page apart." They then proceed to relate a short, Key-like utterance which begins with the word "Loagaeth." This clearly is the last leaf of Liber Loagaeth, which completes the numbering from 1-49.
The final question, then, is how this last leaf should be numbered. The angels refer to it as the 49th, but instruct Dee to write it first, which is something of a contradictory instruction. I'm reminded of the ordering of the Angelic Keys themselves, in which the angels tell Dee that the First Key is in fact the Second, as the First is "not to be sounded" - that is, to my way of thinking, that it is silent. Following this same pattern, then, the final leaf would be numbered 1 and the others shifted down accordingly, so 1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 3, and so forth. Once you do that, the leaves, the Heptarchial wheel, and in fact the Angelic Keys themselves all line up in a 49-fold sequence. This allows the individual leaves to be mapped to individual members of the Heptarchial royalty.
Using this method one more problem remains. The leaf titles themselves are quite brief, and they really don't seem to have the full effectiveness of a longer utterance such as one of the Keys. But once you map the whole thing onto the Heptarchial wheel you realize that the "Key" for each King can be obtained by combining the lines for all of the members of the Heptarchial royalty for the day in question by working your way around the wheel in the proper order beginning with Baligon (1), who is also a form of Carmara, the ruler of the overall system. For the Prince, you drop the first line of the derived "Key" and begin with the second. So the whole arrangement looks like this, referring back to the numbering on the wheel. The slash character delineates Leaf A/Leaf B for each of the numbers, and is not present for the first leaf because the division is not clear from the True and Faithful Relation text.
1. Friday
1. [BALIGON] Loagaeth feg lovi brtnc Larzed dox ner hazilb adnor Doncha Larb vors hirobra ext vr zednip taiip chimvane chermach lendix nor zandox
44. [BAGENOL] Necprilga lvpvarn / Depsah onge phialox
38. [BORMILA] Ronlox bapvabap orh. / Calbahhah genrox.
32. [BINODAB] Gemnarv Hvncol. / Rynh zichzor chalan.
26. [BENPAGI] Demphoz prang oho / Harodan lempric dohoh
20. [BERMALE] Gedmarg alpon / Bvzalg long arnap
14. [BNAGOLE] t-lallaah gethnoh / Iaialgh lercol zinrox
2. Sunday
8. [BOBOGEL] Dam lethgath onzar avoxalgeth / chvmaxchaberexmapha
2. [BORNOGO] zuresk od adaph mal zez geno au marlan oh muzpa / Oxar varmol pan sampas os al pans orney andsu
45. [BABLIBO] Nelziar pol dolgon / Parni volchemph
39. [BUSCNAB] Dohvnam gethgol axah. / Vantavong nargax.
33. [BARIGES] yayger balpaoeh. / Car vanal geldons.
27. [BARNAFA] Chy pled sagnaronph / Draxph intayfalg
21. [BONEFON] Zicha lezach. / Drem phingel oxah oho
3. Tuesday
15. [BABALEL] Pincal vexlan / Phin potagar giron
9. [BEFAFES] algebadreth / Oylzongs
3. [BAPNIDO] alla opnay qviemmah. / zvrebth aho dan lanfal cramza
46. [BUSDUNA] Acvirzilg chiparal / Alged on chipráxal
40. [BMINPOL] Pvlgaao ner gisch. / Archi septh lorox.
34. [BINOFON] Vio nilg onpho. / Toxhencol ylnorox ziborh.
28. [BMILGES] Vlnen razo vilcomb / Vincal leorna rvh
4. Thursday
22. [BYNEPOR] algonzib virbalox / Avriz ommaphily geld
16. [BVTMONO] Se ger pcopalph / Oroh Zvn.compvxoh
10. [BASMELO] pagesgem / Avallacax
4. [BESGEME] pandobna ox adroh azimcholdrux. / dlod Alged zvrem.
47. [BLINGEF] Clarn nancal / Lexrox pingh lardol
41. [BARTIRO] Damponpha nexo gel. / Dexph geld onchen.
35. [BALDOGO] Balvomph chiphan. / Vingelg laxih parcan.
5. Wednesday
29. [BNASPOL] Dababel gel zozaah / Larvh gohonp babbabor
23. [BLISDON] Cehergol naoal / Fál mexicamps vrom
17. [BAZPAMA] Dadavar gedrong / varahhatraglax pligeo
11. [BERNOLE] Gorvemgemps / Bacap Laffos
5. [BLUMAPO] Zvbla ox arnogan Algers aclo. / Danfal gest Axamph acrosta.
48. [BARFORT] Zvrzvh genvox / Chiromonph zarchan olinorg
42. [BLIIGON] Ellaxor Natoglan / Fam filgisch larvouch
6. Saturday
36. [BNAPSEN] Zvda vig pancar. / Dexvlng chirony gavv.
30. [BRORGES] Famfax lep axax. / Zirzach bvmazon.
24. [BALCEOR] Conar vomfagal / Toxarxh nerhoh gel podnon
18. [BLINTOM] Hidrahah glazipvagel / Engidexol; neolchiph
12. [BRANGLO] Ozimba londorh / ylchvzzapg
6. [BMAMGAL] Gonzahoh alch arge oho Adanch. / Zvchastors plohodmax argednon acho
49. [BAMNODE] Calgs sedph panglox / Bapporgel bvrioldepnay
7. Monday
43. [BLUMAZA] Cemgealg ralphos / Zodagrap zilpob
37. [BRALGES] Qnabazeb vil pvdar. / Xanpa phaphingeth.
31. [BASPALO] Tar, vin gabax orho. / Glonz alnoptd.
25. [BELMARA] Zichidpha lvziph / Nervag pranclan
19. [BRAGIOP] Polacax cvbagod / Zad, ron anchal
13. [BRISFLI] Nopham / Signeh gax
7. [BASLEDF] Sancgonfal aldex, Ave goh adatqvan, / pvrcha ges maxgem adroth vaxox ahó
For Carmara and Hagonel use the "Key" for the Friday angels. Baligon is a form of Carmara, and Bagenol is a form of Hagonel. To use these "Keys" you intone the entire set of words for the day in order, just as written here. For the King intone the whole thing. For the Prince, skip the first line and start with the second where you see the Prince's name. In theory this process be extended to the other members of the Heptarchial royalty as well, starting with the name of the angel to be conjured and reading forward, though a whole new set of conjuration would have to be written before such a full evocation could be performed.
In the context of the ritual template in Mastering the Mystical Heptarchy, intonation of the Loagaeth Key would directly precede the Conjuration step and follow Tuning the Space. I won't be experimenting with this right away as the Thelemic Holy Days are coming up this week and my working group will be focused on the Office of the Readings until after the 10th of April, but if anyone would like to have a go at it sooner than that and share their results I'm very interested to see the effect this method will have on Heptarchial evocations.
UPDATE: As I mentioned in my comment, the other possible way to arrange the final leaf is in position 49, which would result in shifting each of the leaf titles here by 1. Rather than leaving that task as an exercise for the reader, here's how that arrangement would look.
1. Friday
1. [BALIGON] zuresk od adaph mal zez geno au marlan oh muzpa / Oxar varmol pan sampas os al pans orney andsu
44. [BAGENOL] Nelziar pol dolgon / Parni volchemph
38. [BORMILA] Dohvnam gethgol axah. / Vantavong nargax.
32. [BINODAB] yayger balpaoeh. / Car vanal geldons.
26. [BENPAGI] Chy pled sagnaronph / Draxph intayfalg
20. [BERMALE] Zicha lezach. / Drem phingel oxah oho
14. [BNAGOLE] Pincal vexlan / Phin potagar giron
2. Sunday
8. [BOBOGEL] algebadreth / Oylzongs
2. [BORNOGO] alla opnay qviemmah. / zvrebth aho dan lanfal cramza
45. [BABLIBO] Acvirzilg chiparal / Alged on chipráxal
39. [BUSCNAB] Pvlgaao ner gisch. / Archi septh lorox.
33. [BARIGES] Vio nilg onpho. / Toxhencol ylnorox ziborh.
27. [BARNAFA] Vlnen razo vilcomb / Vincal leorna rvh
21. [BONEFON] algonzib virbalox / Avriz ommaphily geld
3. Tuesday
15. [BABALEL] Se ger pcopalph / Oroh Zvn.compvxoh
9. [BEFAFES] pagesgem / Avallacax
3. [BAPNIDO] pandobna ox adroh azimcholdrux. / dlod Alged zvrem.
46. [BUSDUNA] Clarn nancal / Lexrox pingh lardol
40. [BMINPOL] Damponpha nexo gel. / Dexph geld onchen.
34. [BINOFON] Balvomph chiphan. / Vingelg laxih parcan.
28. [BMILGES] Dababel gel zozaah / Larvh gohonp babbabor
4. Thursday
22. [BYNEPOR] Cehergol naoal / Fál mexicamps vrom
16. [BVTMONO] Dadavar gedrong / varahhatraglax pligeo
10. [BASMELO] Gorvemgemps / Bacap Laffos
4. [BESGEME] Zvbla ox arnogan Algers aclo. / Danfal gest Axamph acrosta.
47. [BLINGEF] Zvrzvh genvox / Chiromonph zarchan olinorg
41. [BARTIRO] Ellaxor Natoglan / Fam filgisch larvouch
35. [BALDOGO] Zvda vig pancar. / Dexvlng chirony gavv.
5. Wednesday
29. [BNASPOL] Famfax lep axax. / Zirzach bvmazon.
23. [BLISDON] Conar vomfagal / Toxarxh nerhoh gel podnon
17. [BAZPAMA] Hidrahah glazipvagel / Engidexol; neolchiph
11. [BERNOLE] Ozimba londorh / ylchvzzapg
5. [BLUMAPO] Gonzahoh alch arge oho Adanch. / Zvchastors plohodmax argednon acho
48. [BARFORT] Calgs sedph panglox / Bapporgel bvrioldepnay
42. [BLIIGON] Cemgealg ralphos / Zodagrap zilpob
6. Saturday
36. [BNAPSEN] Qnabazeb vil pvdar. / Xanpa phaphingeth.
30. [BRORGES] Tar, vin gabax orho. / Glonz alnoptd.
24. [BALCEOR] Zichidpha lvziph / Nervag pranclan
18. [BLINTOM] Polacax cvbagod / Zad, ron anchal
12. [BRANGLO] Nopham / Signeh gax
6. [BMAMGAL] Sancgonfal aldex, Ave goh adatqvan, / pvrcha ges maxgem adroth vaxox ahó
49. [BAMNODE] Loagaeth feg lovi brtnc Larzed dox ner hazilb adnor Doncha Larb vors hirobra ext vr zednip taiip chimvane chermach lendix nor zandox
7. Monday
43. [BLUMAZA] Necprilga lvpvarn / Depsah onge phialox
37. [BRALGES] Ronlox bapvabap orh. / Calbahhah genrox.
31. [BASPALO] Gemnarv Hvncol. / Rynh zichzor chalan.
25. [BELMARA] Demphoz prang oho / Harodan lempric dohoh
19. [BRAGIOP] Gedmarg alpon / Bvzalg long arnap
13. [BRISFLI] t-lallaah gethnoh / Iaialgh lercol zinrox
7. [BASLEDF] Dam lethgath onzar avoxalgeth / chvmaxchaberexmapha
This, then, shows two distinct arrangements of the Loagaeth leaf titles that may be used to construct Heptarchial "keys" for use in evocation. Once the Office of the Readings for this year is finished I'm looking forward to running experiments to see if the idea works at all, and which arrangement will produce better results. If anyone would like to get a head start and report their findings here, go for it.
One of the things that I kept running across in my Heptarchial work is that there are no "Angelic Keys" for the Heptarchial system, or at least nothing that is explicitly identified as such. The workaround I came up with is to employ the First and/or Second Watchtower keys for Heptarchial work. Still it remains an unsatisfactory solution in that it's applying a piece of the system that's more properly associated with the Watchtowers to the Heptarchia Mystica. Now Liber Loagaeth is one of the pieces of the Enochian system that nobody really seems to know what to do with. In the early 1990's George Hay published a book claiming it to be an enciphered copy of the Necronomicon, which would have been a neat trick seeing as Lovecraft started writing centuries later. The text from Liber Loagaeth that I'm using can be found here, at Joseph Peterson's esoteric archives.
As you can see, the text consists of lines numbered from 1 to 48 with a "Leaf A" and "Leaf B" for each number. Some of these "leaves" are short phrases, but most are between one and three words. While the language in some ways resembles the later Angelic of the Watchtower Keys, there is little overlap between them in terms of specific words, and no English translation of the text was ever received by John Dee and Edward Kelley. In terms of the order of revelation, Liber Loagaeth falls between the Heptarchial material and the Angelic Keys. Like the Loagaeth leaves, the Angelic Keys are also numbered 1-48, and in volume one of his Angelic Language series Aaron Leitch proposed that the leaves and Angelic Keys are thus associated with each other and used together, and that in fact there's no connection between the Watchtowers and Angelic Keys at all.
I'm going to propose a different idea here. Rather than associating the leaves with the Keys that came after them, I'm going to associate them with the material that came before them - the angelic royalty of the Heptarchia Mystica. The Heptarchial wheel shown above is part of that equation, with the immediate issue that it is numbered 1-49, not 1-48. In fact, though, there is a 49th leaf, it's just not included in Peterson's text. On page 19 of Meric Causaubon's True and Faithful Relation, the angels tell Dee and Kelley "You have the 48, now write the 49th. Write first on a page apart." They then proceed to relate a short, Key-like utterance which begins with the word "Loagaeth." This clearly is the last leaf of Liber Loagaeth, which completes the numbering from 1-49.
The final question, then, is how this last leaf should be numbered. The angels refer to it as the 49th, but instruct Dee to write it first, which is something of a contradictory instruction. I'm reminded of the ordering of the Angelic Keys themselves, in which the angels tell Dee that the First Key is in fact the Second, as the First is "not to be sounded" - that is, to my way of thinking, that it is silent. Following this same pattern, then, the final leaf would be numbered 1 and the others shifted down accordingly, so 1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 3, and so forth. Once you do that, the leaves, the Heptarchial wheel, and in fact the Angelic Keys themselves all line up in a 49-fold sequence. This allows the individual leaves to be mapped to individual members of the Heptarchial royalty.
Using this method one more problem remains. The leaf titles themselves are quite brief, and they really don't seem to have the full effectiveness of a longer utterance such as one of the Keys. But once you map the whole thing onto the Heptarchial wheel you realize that the "Key" for each King can be obtained by combining the lines for all of the members of the Heptarchial royalty for the day in question by working your way around the wheel in the proper order beginning with Baligon (1), who is also a form of Carmara, the ruler of the overall system. For the Prince, you drop the first line of the derived "Key" and begin with the second. So the whole arrangement looks like this, referring back to the numbering on the wheel. The slash character delineates Leaf A/Leaf B for each of the numbers, and is not present for the first leaf because the division is not clear from the True and Faithful Relation text.
1. Friday
1. [BALIGON] Loagaeth feg lovi brtnc Larzed dox ner hazilb adnor Doncha Larb vors hirobra ext vr zednip taiip chimvane chermach lendix nor zandox
44. [BAGENOL] Necprilga lvpvarn / Depsah onge phialox
38. [BORMILA] Ronlox bapvabap orh. / Calbahhah genrox.
32. [BINODAB] Gemnarv Hvncol. / Rynh zichzor chalan.
26. [BENPAGI] Demphoz prang oho / Harodan lempric dohoh
20. [BERMALE] Gedmarg alpon / Bvzalg long arnap
14. [BNAGOLE] t-lallaah gethnoh / Iaialgh lercol zinrox
2. Sunday
8. [BOBOGEL] Dam lethgath onzar avoxalgeth / chvmaxchaberexmapha
2. [BORNOGO] zuresk od adaph mal zez geno au marlan oh muzpa / Oxar varmol pan sampas os al pans orney andsu
45. [BABLIBO] Nelziar pol dolgon / Parni volchemph
39. [BUSCNAB] Dohvnam gethgol axah. / Vantavong nargax.
33. [BARIGES] yayger balpaoeh. / Car vanal geldons.
27. [BARNAFA] Chy pled sagnaronph / Draxph intayfalg
21. [BONEFON] Zicha lezach. / Drem phingel oxah oho
3. Tuesday
15. [BABALEL] Pincal vexlan / Phin potagar giron
9. [BEFAFES] algebadreth / Oylzongs
3. [BAPNIDO] alla opnay qviemmah. / zvrebth aho dan lanfal cramza
46. [BUSDUNA] Acvirzilg chiparal / Alged on chipráxal
40. [BMINPOL] Pvlgaao ner gisch. / Archi septh lorox.
34. [BINOFON] Vio nilg onpho. / Toxhencol ylnorox ziborh.
28. [BMILGES] Vlnen razo vilcomb / Vincal leorna rvh
4. Thursday
22. [BYNEPOR] algonzib virbalox / Avriz ommaphily geld
16. [BVTMONO] Se ger pcopalph / Oroh Zvn.compvxoh
10. [BASMELO] pagesgem / Avallacax
4. [BESGEME] pandobna ox adroh azimcholdrux. / dlod Alged zvrem.
47. [BLINGEF] Clarn nancal / Lexrox pingh lardol
41. [BARTIRO] Damponpha nexo gel. / Dexph geld onchen.
35. [BALDOGO] Balvomph chiphan. / Vingelg laxih parcan.
5. Wednesday
29. [BNASPOL] Dababel gel zozaah / Larvh gohonp babbabor
23. [BLISDON] Cehergol naoal / Fál mexicamps vrom
17. [BAZPAMA] Dadavar gedrong / varahhatraglax pligeo
11. [BERNOLE] Gorvemgemps / Bacap Laffos
5. [BLUMAPO] Zvbla ox arnogan Algers aclo. / Danfal gest Axamph acrosta.
48. [BARFORT] Zvrzvh genvox / Chiromonph zarchan olinorg
42. [BLIIGON] Ellaxor Natoglan / Fam filgisch larvouch
6. Saturday
36. [BNAPSEN] Zvda vig pancar. / Dexvlng chirony gavv.
30. [BRORGES] Famfax lep axax. / Zirzach bvmazon.
24. [BALCEOR] Conar vomfagal / Toxarxh nerhoh gel podnon
18. [BLINTOM] Hidrahah glazipvagel / Engidexol; neolchiph
12. [BRANGLO] Ozimba londorh / ylchvzzapg
6. [BMAMGAL] Gonzahoh alch arge oho Adanch. / Zvchastors plohodmax argednon acho
49. [BAMNODE] Calgs sedph panglox / Bapporgel bvrioldepnay
7. Monday
43. [BLUMAZA] Cemgealg ralphos / Zodagrap zilpob
37. [BRALGES] Qnabazeb vil pvdar. / Xanpa phaphingeth.
31. [BASPALO] Tar, vin gabax orho. / Glonz alnoptd.
25. [BELMARA] Zichidpha lvziph / Nervag pranclan
19. [BRAGIOP] Polacax cvbagod / Zad, ron anchal
13. [BRISFLI] Nopham / Signeh gax
7. [BASLEDF] Sancgonfal aldex, Ave goh adatqvan, / pvrcha ges maxgem adroth vaxox ahó
For Carmara and Hagonel use the "Key" for the Friday angels. Baligon is a form of Carmara, and Bagenol is a form of Hagonel. To use these "Keys" you intone the entire set of words for the day in order, just as written here. For the King intone the whole thing. For the Prince, skip the first line and start with the second where you see the Prince's name. In theory this process be extended to the other members of the Heptarchial royalty as well, starting with the name of the angel to be conjured and reading forward, though a whole new set of conjuration would have to be written before such a full evocation could be performed.
In the context of the ritual template in Mastering the Mystical Heptarchy, intonation of the Loagaeth Key would directly precede the Conjuration step and follow Tuning the Space. I won't be experimenting with this right away as the Thelemic Holy Days are coming up this week and my working group will be focused on the Office of the Readings until after the 10th of April, but if anyone would like to have a go at it sooner than that and share their results I'm very interested to see the effect this method will have on Heptarchial evocations.
UPDATE: As I mentioned in my comment, the other possible way to arrange the final leaf is in position 49, which would result in shifting each of the leaf titles here by 1. Rather than leaving that task as an exercise for the reader, here's how that arrangement would look.
1. Friday
1. [BALIGON] zuresk od adaph mal zez geno au marlan oh muzpa / Oxar varmol pan sampas os al pans orney andsu
44. [BAGENOL] Nelziar pol dolgon / Parni volchemph
38. [BORMILA] Dohvnam gethgol axah. / Vantavong nargax.
32. [BINODAB] yayger balpaoeh. / Car vanal geldons.
26. [BENPAGI] Chy pled sagnaronph / Draxph intayfalg
20. [BERMALE] Zicha lezach. / Drem phingel oxah oho
14. [BNAGOLE] Pincal vexlan / Phin potagar giron
2. Sunday
8. [BOBOGEL] algebadreth / Oylzongs
2. [BORNOGO] alla opnay qviemmah. / zvrebth aho dan lanfal cramza
45. [BABLIBO] Acvirzilg chiparal / Alged on chipráxal
39. [BUSCNAB] Pvlgaao ner gisch. / Archi septh lorox.
33. [BARIGES] Vio nilg onpho. / Toxhencol ylnorox ziborh.
27. [BARNAFA] Vlnen razo vilcomb / Vincal leorna rvh
21. [BONEFON] algonzib virbalox / Avriz ommaphily geld
3. Tuesday
15. [BABALEL] Se ger pcopalph / Oroh Zvn.compvxoh
9. [BEFAFES] pagesgem / Avallacax
3. [BAPNIDO] pandobna ox adroh azimcholdrux. / dlod Alged zvrem.
46. [BUSDUNA] Clarn nancal / Lexrox pingh lardol
40. [BMINPOL] Damponpha nexo gel. / Dexph geld onchen.
34. [BINOFON] Balvomph chiphan. / Vingelg laxih parcan.
28. [BMILGES] Dababel gel zozaah / Larvh gohonp babbabor
4. Thursday
22. [BYNEPOR] Cehergol naoal / Fál mexicamps vrom
16. [BVTMONO] Dadavar gedrong / varahhatraglax pligeo
10. [BASMELO] Gorvemgemps / Bacap Laffos
4. [BESGEME] Zvbla ox arnogan Algers aclo. / Danfal gest Axamph acrosta.
47. [BLINGEF] Zvrzvh genvox / Chiromonph zarchan olinorg
41. [BARTIRO] Ellaxor Natoglan / Fam filgisch larvouch
35. [BALDOGO] Zvda vig pancar. / Dexvlng chirony gavv.
5. Wednesday
29. [BNASPOL] Famfax lep axax. / Zirzach bvmazon.
23. [BLISDON] Conar vomfagal / Toxarxh nerhoh gel podnon
17. [BAZPAMA] Hidrahah glazipvagel / Engidexol; neolchiph
11. [BERNOLE] Ozimba londorh / ylchvzzapg
5. [BLUMAPO] Gonzahoh alch arge oho Adanch. / Zvchastors plohodmax argednon acho
48. [BARFORT] Calgs sedph panglox / Bapporgel bvrioldepnay
42. [BLIIGON] Cemgealg ralphos / Zodagrap zilpob
6. Saturday
36. [BNAPSEN] Qnabazeb vil pvdar. / Xanpa phaphingeth.
30. [BRORGES] Tar, vin gabax orho. / Glonz alnoptd.
24. [BALCEOR] Zichidpha lvziph / Nervag pranclan
18. [BLINTOM] Polacax cvbagod / Zad, ron anchal
12. [BRANGLO] Nopham / Signeh gax
6. [BMAMGAL] Sancgonfal aldex, Ave goh adatqvan, / pvrcha ges maxgem adroth vaxox ahó
49. [BAMNODE] Loagaeth feg lovi brtnc Larzed dox ner hazilb adnor Doncha Larb vors hirobra ext vr zednip taiip chimvane chermach lendix nor zandox
7. Monday
43. [BLUMAZA] Necprilga lvpvarn / Depsah onge phialox
37. [BRALGES] Ronlox bapvabap orh. / Calbahhah genrox.
31. [BASPALO] Gemnarv Hvncol. / Rynh zichzor chalan.
25. [BELMARA] Demphoz prang oho / Harodan lempric dohoh
19. [BRAGIOP] Gedmarg alpon / Bvzalg long arnap
13. [BRISFLI] t-lallaah gethnoh / Iaialgh lercol zinrox
7. [BASLEDF] Dam lethgath onzar avoxalgeth / chvmaxchaberexmapha
This, then, shows two distinct arrangements of the Loagaeth leaf titles that may be used to construct Heptarchial "keys" for use in evocation. Once the Office of the Readings for this year is finished I'm looking forward to running experiments to see if the idea works at all, and which arrangement will produce better results. If anyone would like to get a head start and report their findings here, go for it.

Greetings, Scott!
I'm sure you know this, but for those following along: what you'll find of Loagaeth at Peterson's site are only the titles of each leaf. The first 48 leaves are fairly massive tables with a 49x49 grid on the front *and* on the back of each. The first leaf has an entire word in each cell, while the rest have a single letter in each cell. (The final table stands apart - it only has a few words on it, not in a 49x49 grid.)
Peterson gives the complete tables on his CD (highly recommended!). Though there are some typos in there, which we vetted over on the Angelical Linguistics Yahoo Group - so feel free to check the archives there: https://groups.yahoo.com/group/angelical_linguistics
The whole question over whether the final Leaf of Loagaeth should come first or last was because the angels told Dee to write Loagaeth like a Hebrew Torah - from right to left. That meant, from the Western standpoint, the last page of the book would appear to be the "first."
But it was indeed the last table of the book. It was even revealed by Galvah, whose name means "The End."
Also, there is strong evidence of a direct link between the Loagaeth tables and the Heptarchic royal angels. One of the tables (I forget the # atm) has the name BORNOGO written in a star-pattern in the center.
Right, the titles are the pieces that seem to be amenable to assembly into a "key" whereas it's not clear how anything like that could be done with the 49x49 tables. Maybe somebody will come up with a method for that at some point, but for now the titles are the only pieces that resemble "words" of any sort.
One certainly could experiment with the adding the final table at position 49 rather than position 1 as I have it here. If so, each of the titles would be shifted back one place and the text numbered 1 moved to position 49. I'd be very interested in seeing what difference it makes for evocations.
Those titles have always mystified me. I have little doubt that the "key" to decipher each page has something to do with its associated Angelical Key.
Yet... those titles strike me as quite similar to the keywords given with each page of Soyga. And *those* keywords are indeed the key to decipher the Soyga tables (see Jim Reeds work). So, knowing the influence that Soyga had on Loagaeth, it sure does stand to reason the Loageeth leaf "titles" are somehow keywords too.
Perhaps that title must be used with the Angelical Key in some fashion...
One idea is that perhaps the titles could be used in conjunction with the tables to generate sigils of some sort, kind of like how the sigils of the planetary intelligence and spirit are generated using Agrippa's magic squares.
So assuming they're related to the Heptarchial Royalty, you would then be able to generate an "A Sigil" and a "B Sigil" for each of the angels except for the 49th, where there apparently is no corresponding table.
Also, I suppose you could technically do something similar with the Angelic Keys, though the resulting sigils would be quite complex given their greater length.
Again, more fruit for experimentation. Once the Holy Days are over I'm looking forward to trying out more of these ideas and seeing where they lead.
And by the way, you cannot simply conclude from the text that "first" in effect means "last" here solely based on the order in which the pages are written.
If the pages of a book are read from right to left, then "first" means rightmost. If the pages are to be read from left to right, "first" means leftmost. That would be the most literal reading of the text which implies that the final leaf would go first in the series, in whatever order the pages are written.
Maybe the angels intended to shift the context just for that last leaf. It's possible, and you can read the text of the diary that was if you choose. But it also is not definitive in any sense of the word.
Very interesting. This will probably seem idiotic for me to ask, but wouldn't it be easier to contact the angels via a scrying tool and ask them personally how these keys are to be used? :)
Sure, assuming everyone gets the same answer. That right there is the challenging bit. I have contacted the angels and I think my version is right, but I assume Aaron has done the same - at least, it would be the sensible thing for him to have done before posting here.
Since we have different answers, either (A) both versions are equivalent, or (B) one of us is getting their own thoughts mixed up with the communication from the angels. I'm not going to flat-out argue that it couldn't be me, because that's always a possibility that every magician has to consider.
Generally speaking, if (A) is the case that probably means this method won't prove very useful, since it seems to me that two contradictory arrangements probably couldn't both resonate with the original system. The angels sometimes just adapt stuff to conform with my assumptions, and something like that could be going on here.
This might sound completely idealistic, but in the astral realms all contradictions reach an agreement at some point :) So perhaps both your methods work for each of you.
I'm having some trouble understanding what the addition of these Leafs would bring to the ritual.
That is sort of what I mean about the angels conforming things to individual assumptions. They do that, but when they do it usually means the technique in question is not something with any sort of macrocosmic resonance that legitimately improves magical effects. Basically, the effect winds up being psychological only, which is of limited utility.
What I would really by trying to tease out here is whether or not incorporating these elements improves the effectiveness of the system in any measurable way. I have no idea what they would necessarily add to the ritual either. But there does seem to be a correspondence, which might make it worth running some probability tests with and without them to see if there's a difference.
Then if the probability shift improves there may be something macrocosmic there, but otherwise there probably isn't.
I understand now.
It seems to me that they could be some sort of words of power in angelic language, or the actual conjurations for each of the angels. But what do I know? I've only began working with them and I'm still waiting for the manifestation outcomes :)
Right, that probably is where I would start, trying to use them as initial conjurations for the Heptarchials just like the Angelic Keys are used for the Great Table entities. Then see if the ritual works better, or if they do not seem to make any difference.
One thing I've wondered lately, after finding the solution to the Book of Soyga at phergoph's wordpress site, is whether there isn't a mathematical function to the derivation of the leaves (it might be wiser to try to find such a solution to the Heptarchial tables which have the names of the kings, princes, and ministers). The titles of the Soyga tables relate back to their content in a mathematically functional ("multiplication and dignification, by ascension [via the discovery of the mathematical formula relating each] through all the rest that are limited according to their proper qualities"). It's possible that the titles of each of the leaves not only work "up" to the Heptarchical (and possibly also the Watchtower) entities, but also downward into even more "lesser" angels.
So to recap, I would guess that the tables of Loagaeth probably also refer back to the heptarchial & also the watchtower systems (being "the measure" of them both), since the 48 "normal" tables would be divisible by 4 and thus give us four watchtowers, the 49 would map readily to the heptarchial system as you mention, 46 of the leaves would relate to the 92 angelic governors, while the last four half-leaves could each relate to the Trinity and the Unity (3 + 1) of the divine.
I have no idea what the formula for working that out might be, but I would not be even a little surprised if that turned out to be the case.
I was thinking about this the other day and found myself wondering if anything interesting could be derived from leaves using a cipher like the one found in the Steganographia. It would be really, really interesting if Loagaeth somehow decoded to Enochian that fit the language of the keys. The "Loagaeth language" seems to be completely different according to linguistic analysis. I haven't tried it at this point and I don't know of anyone who has, but it's something I'm going to see about getting to one of these days.
Yes, and at the Necprolga Lupuaris, leaf 43a (the first of the final 7 leaves), there's a note basically showing that the top line (which is given) should be enough to finish that table (which has every other letter missing) as well as the remaining tables which have blanks:
"These letters are to be made throughout these 6 tables as this [one is at the top line] and have on both sides of this leaf but whereas they are but one here that is but a note of them, for every empty square is to be filled as there and--" (no more added to the note).
So a solution seems in the offing with that clue--you should only need the first line and every other letter to solve at least that table, and from there extend the solution to 6 other tables.
Yet there seem to not be 6 tables, but at least 43 (one more than 6X7).
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