For those of you who live in the Twin Cities area or happen to be passing through, I will be presenting an introductory lecture on the Great Table or Watchtowers this Saturday, March 8th, at Leaping Laughter Lodge in Minneapolis, Minnesota at 7:30 PM. The talk will be based on the ritual template from my new book, Mastering the Great Table.
Like my previous presentation on the Heptarchia Mystica, it will focus on working with the angels of the Watchtower quadrants along the lines of the original system as revealed to John Dee and Edward Kelley, rather than the Golden Dawn approach or "Neo-Enochian" methods that combine techniques like pentagram and hexagram rituals with the original grimoire system.
A link to the event can be found here, and directions to the Lodge can be found here. For those of you in the area with an interest in Enochian magick, I hope that you will be able to make it. In addition to the lecture itself I will have books available for sale and will be on hand to answer any questions you might have about the Enochian system.

Hi Scott, how are you?
In your book MTGT you said: "...all begin to chant the controlling names for the
angels being conjured as they visualize the divine light descending into
the stone or mirror."
I'm I right if I say that the divine light "descends" or arrives from four directions because you're conjuring from those directions and not from above, which is kinda logical, or in short can you tell from where the divine light(or angels) is descending?
Ten years ago when I wrote MTGT the idea was that the divine light would descend from above in the sense of "higher spiritual realms." But more recently, as I've drifted away from the Platonic model of the universe in which there are value-laden "higher" and "lower" realms, I would probably write it as "visualize the divine light filling the stone or mirror" with no reference to descending or ascending.
And yes, the spirits should "arrive" from the direction or directions you call them from. If you're working with all four quadrants, it will be coming from all four directions.
Thanks, thanks, humble thanks. Interesting answer!
In your MADRIAX Hexagram Ritual, LIRH, shouldn't we maybe leave out step 11, since it is similar to some banishing method (with the words "...cast down power") and only do that part with "closing the curtain" in LBRH?
Best wishes.
The point of that step is that rending the veil with "bring forth power" turns on your operation and closing the veil with "cast down power" disconnects from it. A simple statement like that is not the same as a banishing like the LBRH.
If you want to experiment, go ahead, but there's no "should" in there. The ritual works fine as written - but you can of course modify it and do some testing to see how well your modifications work.
Sincere thanks for this fine answer!!!
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