Monday, April 6, 2020

Reading Supplement for April 6

April 6 – Heh (Aquarius, The Star)

Reading I: Liber DCCCXIII Cap IV-VII

Officiant: The great goddess that bendeth over the Universe is my mistress.
All: Our loves have brought to birth the Father and Creator of all things.
Officiant: He hath established His rule in His kingdom.
All: Our loves have brought to birth the Father and Creator of all things.

Reading II: From “The Thunder, Perfect Mind”

Officiant: I was sent from the Power, and have come to those who think upon me.
All: I am the name of the voice and the voice of the name.
Officiant: I am the hearing that is acceptable in every matter; I am the utterance that cannot be restrained
All: I am the name of the voice and the voice of the name.

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