April 3 – Cheth (Cancer, The Chariot)
Reading I: Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abiegni.
Officiant: Oh Babalon, thou mighty Mother, that ridest upon the crownèd beast; let thy kisses wanton me unto death, that even I, thy cup-bearer, may understand.
All: O my God, in one last rapture let me attain to the union with the many.
Officiant: And this is the secret of the brothers of the Rosy Cross; and this is the heart of the ritual that is accomplished in the Vault of the Adepts that is hidden in the Mountain of the Caverns, even the Holy Mountain Abiegnus.
All: O my God, in one last rapture let me attain to the union with the many.
Reading II: "Maha Prajnaparamita Hridaya Sutra" (The Heart Sutra, Buddhist text. Translation by the Kuan Um School of Zen).
(No Responsory)
Reading I: Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abiegni.
Officiant: Oh Babalon, thou mighty Mother, that ridest upon the crownèd beast; let thy kisses wanton me unto death, that even I, thy cup-bearer, may understand.
All: O my God, in one last rapture let me attain to the union with the many.
Officiant: And this is the secret of the brothers of the Rosy Cross; and this is the heart of the ritual that is accomplished in the Vault of the Adepts that is hidden in the Mountain of the Caverns, even the Holy Mountain Abiegnus.
All: O my God, in one last rapture let me attain to the union with the many.
Reading II: "Maha Prajnaparamita Hridaya Sutra" (The Heart Sutra, Buddhist text. Translation by the Kuan Um School of Zen).
(No Responsory)

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