Well no, not really. But it makes a great headline.
I love - and by love, I mean find so utterly ridiculous that it needs to be mocked on Angoeides - how conspiracy theorists are completely ignorant of basic things like physics and biology. I mean, they're also completely ignorant of things like Freemasonry, but that's just par for the course ever since Leo Taxil and that "Palladism" nonsense. And, of course, despite all evidence they continue to believe that Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminati books are works of history rather than fiction.
Recently a conspiracy theorist that I hadn't previously heard of, a guy named Mark Taylor, spun this whopper about Freemasons, the Illuminati, sonic weapons, and Donald Trump. It really is a thing of beauty.
So Mark Taylor is truly a master of out-there bullshit. It's not quite child slaves on Mars territory, but it sure is getting there. Apparently Taylor doesn't understand how anyone could hate Donald Trump without being exposed to bizarre science fiction technology, and so he feels the need to manufacture a scenario out of whole cloth that can explain the president's current unpopularity. When really, it's just because many of us think he's doing such a terrible job.
Now let me address every incorrect assertion here, in order:
1. People don't need their DNA changed to hate Donald Trump. Even if that were a genotype, and it isn't, all of the polls since his inauguration clearly demonstrate that the trait is widespread.
2. "The Freemasons" don't have access to science-fiction sonic technology. At the very least, my lodge sure doesn't.
3. "The Illuminati" don't either because they don't exist, except as an inside joke in parts of the music industry.
4. Even science fiction sonic technology probably can't change DNA, unless much of what we know about physics and biology is flat-out wrong.
5. Regarding the e-mails, a quarter of the population has some form of mental illness. 1-2% of the population is schizophrenic, and paranoid schizophrenia is one of the most common types.
6. Christians are being isolated by friends and family for supporting Trump because his approval rating is at 35%. The people who disapprove of him, myself included, disapprove because they think he's doing a terrible job as president, not because of anything involving our DNA.
7. The 440 Hz thing has been completely debunked. The 440 Hz frequency only matches one note, the A above middle C. Audio broadcast "at 440 Hz" would be a single tone, a high A.
8. The 440 Hz tuning has been the subject of a New Age conspiracy belief that in some mysterious way it has some effect on human health. It doesn't. The root of the controversy is that the A above middle C was often tuned to 435 Hz before musical tuning was standardized and the 440 Hz A won out. There is no difference between those tuning in terms of effects on the human body.
9. The historical Illuminati hated Freemasonry, and was founded with the express purpose of overthrowing it. So the idea that the "Illuminati and Freemasons" would be buddies or something is pretty silly.
10. There is no "Illuminati Bloodline," since there is no "Illuminati." Even if there were, the historical Illuminati were members of an eighteenth-century fraternal order that had nothing to do with families or bloodlines.
So that's a whole lot of nonsense packed into just three paragraphs. It might even be a record. I'm going to have to keep an eye on this Mark Taylor. If he keeps this up, he may wind up with his own Augoeides tag just like Pat Robertson.
I love - and by love, I mean find so utterly ridiculous that it needs to be mocked on Angoeides - how conspiracy theorists are completely ignorant of basic things like physics and biology. I mean, they're also completely ignorant of things like Freemasonry, but that's just par for the course ever since Leo Taxil and that "Palladism" nonsense. And, of course, despite all evidence they continue to believe that Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminati books are works of history rather than fiction.
Recently a conspiracy theorist that I hadn't previously heard of, a guy named Mark Taylor, spun this whopper about Freemasons, the Illuminati, sonic weapons, and Donald Trump. It really is a thing of beauty.
Last week, “firefighter prophet” and right-wing conspiracy theorist Mark Taylor appeared on Sheila Zilinsky’s radio program, where he warned that the Freemasons and the Illuminati are using a Satanic frequency to change people’s DNA in order to make them oppose President Trump.
“I believe what happened on November 8 is the enemy has literally sent out a frequency,” Taylor said, “and it agitated and took control, basically, of those who have their DNA turned over to the enemy. That’s what’s happening. The Illuminati, the Freemasons, all these people, their main goal is to change the DNA of man and they’re doing it through these frequencies.”
Taylor claimed that he is getting “bombarded with emails” from Christians who are being isolated by their friends and families because of their support for Trump and that is “because their DNA is being controlled by the enemy.”
Taylor said that the media is broadcasting its audio at 440 Hz, which has been found to “damage your body organs” and “also changes your DNA, which is the goal of the Freemasons, the Illuminati; they want you part of that Illuminati bloodline.”
So Mark Taylor is truly a master of out-there bullshit. It's not quite child slaves on Mars territory, but it sure is getting there. Apparently Taylor doesn't understand how anyone could hate Donald Trump without being exposed to bizarre science fiction technology, and so he feels the need to manufacture a scenario out of whole cloth that can explain the president's current unpopularity. When really, it's just because many of us think he's doing such a terrible job.
Now let me address every incorrect assertion here, in order:
1. People don't need their DNA changed to hate Donald Trump. Even if that were a genotype, and it isn't, all of the polls since his inauguration clearly demonstrate that the trait is widespread.
2. "The Freemasons" don't have access to science-fiction sonic technology. At the very least, my lodge sure doesn't.
3. "The Illuminati" don't either because they don't exist, except as an inside joke in parts of the music industry.
4. Even science fiction sonic technology probably can't change DNA, unless much of what we know about physics and biology is flat-out wrong.
5. Regarding the e-mails, a quarter of the population has some form of mental illness. 1-2% of the population is schizophrenic, and paranoid schizophrenia is one of the most common types.
6. Christians are being isolated by friends and family for supporting Trump because his approval rating is at 35%. The people who disapprove of him, myself included, disapprove because they think he's doing a terrible job as president, not because of anything involving our DNA.
7. The 440 Hz thing has been completely debunked. The 440 Hz frequency only matches one note, the A above middle C. Audio broadcast "at 440 Hz" would be a single tone, a high A.
8. The 440 Hz tuning has been the subject of a New Age conspiracy belief that in some mysterious way it has some effect on human health. It doesn't. The root of the controversy is that the A above middle C was often tuned to 435 Hz before musical tuning was standardized and the 440 Hz A won out. There is no difference between those tuning in terms of effects on the human body.
9. The historical Illuminati hated Freemasonry, and was founded with the express purpose of overthrowing it. So the idea that the "Illuminati and Freemasons" would be buddies or something is pretty silly.
10. There is no "Illuminati Bloodline," since there is no "Illuminati." Even if there were, the historical Illuminati were members of an eighteenth-century fraternal order that had nothing to do with families or bloodlines.
So that's a whole lot of nonsense packed into just three paragraphs. It might even be a record. I'm going to have to keep an eye on this Mark Taylor. If he keeps this up, he may wind up with his own Augoeides tag just like Pat Robertson.

Well, there is the Russian station that broadcasts at the numerically similar 4625 kHz.
"Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, for the last three-and-a-half decades, it’s been broadcasting a dull, monotonous tone. Every few seconds it’s joined by a second sound, like some ghostly ship sounding its foghorn. Then the drone continues.
Once or twice a week, a man or woman will read out some words in Russian, such as “dinghy” or “farming specialist”. And that’s it. Anyone, anywhere in the world can listen in, simply by tuning a radio to the frequency 4625 kHz."
I assume though being Russian, it got people to vote FOR Trump.
Listening to something like that would be really weird. For all I know it has something to do with sonic weapons - which are a thing, they just don't work anything like what this article suggests. Last month there was speculation that such a weapon might have been used against American diplomats in Cuba.
Since a sonic attack doesn't make a lot of sense given what was going on politically between Cuba and the United States, some have speculated that the "attack" could be been the result of infrasound that was accidentally produced by some sort of device malfunction. But if something can happen by accident, it certainly is possible that the same effect could be employed deliberately.
The thing is, infrasound doesn't have anything to do with the 440-435 Hz "controversy," such as it is. Both of those tones are well withing the range of normal hearing.
From what I know some experiments have been made with 440-435 Hz on water. The water subjected to 435 Hz crystallized harmoniously and created beautiful patterns while the water subjected to 440 Hz crystallized in a chaotic fashion and created horrible patterns. I think I remember 440 Hz seems to affect celular walls, making living cells more prone to degrading faster, while 435 Hz does the opposite or something. I've lost touch with my conspiracy theory background since I got into magick :)
Water crystallization experiments like that are massively subject to confirmation bias because they depend on subjective aesthetic judgments. Some frequencies do produce various forms of geometric resonance, but so far all the research on this subject I've seen has either shown no effect or been of very poor quality.
Still, let's say all of it is true - 440/435 hz is just one tone. Audio recordings reproduce whatever sound is present at the source. They aren't "tuned" unless they're music. And even if we are talking about music, tuning it to 435 hz is still not going to make much difference in terms of the number of times a piece hits 440 - you know, because the tones in music go up and down.
So the only way you're going to get an effect, even if 440 is bad for you and 435 is good for you, is to sit in a room with that single A note playing. That's what makes the whole thing so dumb - it can't even stand up to basic math.
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