It amazes me that anybody still believes the "QAnon" conspiracy theory, but for whatever reason it seems to be a ridiculous idea that nonetheless refuses to die. After many failed predictions the theory has died down a little online, just like those fake "End Times" pastors who predict the end of the world over and over again and are always wrong. Maybe because the online version is starting to fade, some clever con artists have come out with a book that aims to "educate" (that is, defraud) anybody who buys it.
Let me just weigh in on my area of expertise one more time - I'm an occultist, and none of the "Satanic occult" nonsense attributed to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party make any sense at all. There is no magical reason to murder and eat children, and the idea that this is going on is completely insane. I don't say that as a big fan of Clintons - I consider both Bill and Hillary to be responsible for the Democratic Party's turn to the right in the late 1980's because of their work with the corporatist-leaning Democratic Leadership Council.
But the thing is, that's something they actually did. The sheer amount of made-up dirt peddled by the American Spectator back in the day was flat-out ridiculous. David Brock has even come clean that he either made it up or neglected to fact-check sources. Politicians are not occultists. Billionaires are not occultists. And even if they were, "eating babies" has no real magician function and nobody does it. There would be no point from the context of effective magick.
Being evil for evil's sake gets you nothing, full stop. People are going to hate you and "the devil" (who is not a singular entity anyway) is not going to reward you. A "Pact with the Devil" is in fact an agreement with whatever powerful chthonic entity decided to show up and tell you it's "the devil" and you're not going to provide the spirit something it wants by "being evil." A shot of strong alcohol is going to be a better offering that vowing to "do evil" because spirits don't care about human concepts like that. They want something tangible instead.
But yeah, nobody who believes the garbage about "Satanism" that these books are peddling is probably reading my blog. The case could be made that criticizing these people is a waste of time because they are beyond all reason and logic, even from a practicing occultist who has a pretty good understanding of how magical forces work. What you can do, though, is get onto Amazon and post some reviews explaining some of this to potential readers. I don't care that their political orientation is different than mine - I just hate to see scammers take advantage of it.
The book, which says it was written by a dozen “anonymous Q followers, decoders and citizen journalists known collectively as Where We Go One We Go All (WWG1WGA),” claims that Democrats murder and eat children and that the government created AIDS, polio and Lyme disease. Then there’s the belief that the world is run by a Satanic cabal led by Hillary Clinton.
There’s more. So much more. But we’ll leave it there. QAnon emerged from the dark corners of the internet and into the national spotlight thanks primarily to supporters of Donald Trump who would show up at his rallies wearing clothes and holding signs referencing the “Q” conspiracy.
Mike Rothschild, a conspiracy-theory expert, told NBC that the book is just another way for the QAnon movement to cash in on its gullible followers, calling it “a bold new step in the endless grift at the heart of Q.”
Nevertheless, the book keeps selling and racking up questionable glowing reviews, which Jason Kint, CEO of the trade association Digital Content Next, chalks up to manipulation and the lack of oversight on Amazon’s part.
“To be clear, they absolutely shouldn’t be censoring the availability of books like this,” Kite explained to NBC. “But the fact we’re left only with the publisher’s own description of the book and a clearly gamed set of 5-star reviews — how is the average shopper supposed to know this is toxic garbage?”
Let me just weigh in on my area of expertise one more time - I'm an occultist, and none of the "Satanic occult" nonsense attributed to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party make any sense at all. There is no magical reason to murder and eat children, and the idea that this is going on is completely insane. I don't say that as a big fan of Clintons - I consider both Bill and Hillary to be responsible for the Democratic Party's turn to the right in the late 1980's because of their work with the corporatist-leaning Democratic Leadership Council.
But the thing is, that's something they actually did. The sheer amount of made-up dirt peddled by the American Spectator back in the day was flat-out ridiculous. David Brock has even come clean that he either made it up or neglected to fact-check sources. Politicians are not occultists. Billionaires are not occultists. And even if they were, "eating babies" has no real magician function and nobody does it. There would be no point from the context of effective magick.
Being evil for evil's sake gets you nothing, full stop. People are going to hate you and "the devil" (who is not a singular entity anyway) is not going to reward you. A "Pact with the Devil" is in fact an agreement with whatever powerful chthonic entity decided to show up and tell you it's "the devil" and you're not going to provide the spirit something it wants by "being evil." A shot of strong alcohol is going to be a better offering that vowing to "do evil" because spirits don't care about human concepts like that. They want something tangible instead.
But yeah, nobody who believes the garbage about "Satanism" that these books are peddling is probably reading my blog. The case could be made that criticizing these people is a waste of time because they are beyond all reason and logic, even from a practicing occultist who has a pretty good understanding of how magical forces work. What you can do, though, is get onto Amazon and post some reviews explaining some of this to potential readers. I don't care that their political orientation is different than mine - I just hate to see scammers take advantage of it.

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