Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Reading Supplement for March 25

March 25 - Peh (Mars, The Tower)

Reading I: Liber VII, Cap I

Officiant: Violent and vivid smote the levin flash. Once the tower rocked and cracked beneath its lash, caught inextinguishable fire; was ash.
All: Ascend in the flame of the pyre, O my soul!
Officiant: Up! The ruddy clouds hang over thee! It is the storm. There is a flaming gash in the sky.
All: Ascend in the flame of the pyre, O my soul!

Reading II: From Liber CDXVIII, The 16th Æthyr

Officiant: And every mystery that hath not been revealed from the foundation of the world he shall reveal unto his chosen.
All: And the spirit of prophecy shall come upon me
Officiant: The angels shall come unto them and walk with them, and the great gods of heaven shall be their guests.
All: And the spirit of prophecy shall come upon me.

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