There has been some discussion online (again) this year about how it is "problematic" that there are people (who I've apparently never met) who think celebrating the Holy Days in this way comes from Aleister Crowley himself or is in some sense "canonical" to Thelema. To be clear, neither of those statements are true. The arrangement here comes from various modern sources - James Eshelman's Thelemic Tefila, the late Soror Marfiza and the Companions of Monsalvat, and myself and my magical partner Soror Lalitha. Still, having performed this series for many years, we find that it is a great way to better acquaint yourself with the Holy Books and celebrate the Thelemic New Year.
Happy Thelemic New Year, everyone! It's that time again, for the Office of the Readings.
The Thelemic dates that you may see written online are arrived at by counting the number of 22-year cycles since 1904 to obtain the upper case Roman numeral, and then counting the years of the current cycle to get the lower case one. Within each 22-year cycle, many Thelemites ascribe the Major Arcana trumps of the Tarot to the years in order starting with The Fool and ending with The Universe. So the year that we're about to enter into is V:iv, attributed to either The Emperor or The Star depending on whether or not you swap the Tarot attributions for Heh and Tzaddi.
This post will remain the top article here for the duration of the Thelemic Holy Days from March 20th to April 10th. The Rite of the Office of the Readings is performed for all of the readings beginning on March 20th.
This year I'm pleased to announce that like last year, this year's Office of the Readings will be presented at Leaping Laughter Oasis, the Minneapolis local body of Ordo Templi Orientis. This year we will be performing the Invocation of Horus on the evening of March 18th to keep it on the weekend, and the Prologue of the Unborn on the 19th will be followed by the New Moon Ritual for Pisces.
The Invocation of Horus
The Rite of the Office of the Readings
March 19
Liber VII, Prologue of the Unborn.
March 20 - Saturn/Earth, The Universe
Liber LXV, Cap I.
Liber VII, Cap II.
March 21 - Fire/Spirit, The Aeon
Liber LXV, Cap IV.
From "The Four Zoas" by William Blake - "Night the Ninth, Being The Last Judgment"
March 22 - Sol, The Sun
Liber VII, Cap IV.
From "A Mithraic Ritual" Translated by GRS Mead.
March 23 - Pisces, The Moon
Liber VII, Cap VI.
From “Dark Night of the Soul”, Book II, Cap 8 by San Juan de la Cruz.
March 24 - Aries, The Emperor
Liber Tzaddi vel Hamus Hermeticus.
From the “Tao Te Ching” by Lao Tzu, Cap 37 and 39.
March 25 - Mars, The Tower
Liber VII, Cap I.
From Liber CDXVIII, The 16th Æthyr.
March 26 - Capricornus, The Devil
Liber A'ash.
Relevant to Liber A'ash is my solution to the mystery of the duck.
From Liber CXI, Cap 174-175.
March 27 - Sagittarius, Art
From “The Vision of the Universal Mercury” by G.H. Frater S.R.M.D.
March 28 - Scorpio, Death
From Liber Arcanorum.
From Liber CXI, Cap 192-194.
March 29 - Water, The Hanged Man
Liber LXV, Cap III.
"I. N. R. I." by Frater Achad.
March 30 - Libra, Adjustment
Liber Libræ.
Selections from “The Spiritual Guide” by San Miguel de Molinos.
March 31 - Jupiter, Fortune
Liber VII, Cap III.
From Liber CDXVIII, The 20th Æthyr.
April 1 - Virgo, The Hermit
Liber VII, Cap V.
"The Emerald Tablet of Hermes" by Hermes Trismegistus.
April 2 - Leo, Lust
Liber Stellae Rubeæ.
From “The Daughter of Fortitude” Received by Edward Kelly.
April 3 - Cancer, The Chariot
Liber Cheth vel Vallum Abiegni.
"Maha Prajnaparamita Hridaya Sutra" (The Heart Sutra, Buddhist text. Translation by the Kuan Um School of Zen).
April 4 - Gemini, The Lovers
Liber LXV, Cap II.
From Liber DCCCXXXVII, The Law of Liberty.
April 5 - Taurus, The Hierophant
Liber LXV, Cap V.
From “On Christ and Antichrist” by Hippolytus, Cap 2.
April 6 - Aquarius, The Star
From “The Thunder, Perfect Mind” (Gnostic text).
April 7 - Venus, The Empress
Liber VII, Cap VII.
From Liber CDXVIII, The 7th Æthyr.
April 8 - Luna, The Priestess
Liber AL, Cap I.
“Vajrasattva, Primordial Buddha of Diamond or Rainbow Light” From Songs and Meditations of the Tibetan Dhyani Buddhas.
April 9 - Mercury, The Magus
Liber AL, Cap II.
“Visvapani, The Bodhisattva and Spiritual Emanation of Amoghasiddhi” From Songs and Meditations of the Tibetan Dhyani Buddhas.
April 10 - Air, The Fool
Liber AL, Cap III.
From Liber CDXVIII, The 22nd Æthyr.
If you would like to perform this series and have questions, feel free to e-mail me here. All Office of the Readings posts may be viewed here. Our Office of the Readings series is based on this ritual series by the Companions of Monsalvat.

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