As you can probably guess, I happen to think that the last thing we need in politics is more Christians. Or, more to the point, more Poor Oppressed Christians who believe that passing laws based on their religious beliefs is a good and noble goal. A group made up of Christian lawmakers (who obviously disagree with me) recently put up a Twitter poll asking if America would be better off if more Christians served in elected office. It did not turn out as expected, which maybe means that there's hope for our country yet.
First off, why should atheists and Satanists not get a vote? They're citizens of this country too. How is expressing an opionion "persecution?" And finally, why can't these folks accept that even a lot of mainstream Christians are sick of their nonsense? I'm willing to bet that a lot of Christians who don't consider themselves oppressed by the mere existence of dissenting opinions voted "No" in that poll.
Let me tell you, when you're worried about witches you must be worried that your movement is pitifully weak. Pagans, let alone the subset of Pagans who identify as witches, are a tiny minority, maybe one percent of the population last time I checked. That sixty-five percent of Americans who are Christian can't possibly be under threat from such a small group. While it does appear to be true that Paganism as a religion is growing faster than Christianity is, it will be a long time before it ever represents much of a political threat.
Also, Pagans and witches can be found across the political spectrum, and even though the conservatives among them probably would still vote "No" on the poll, they might still vote for Rapert or Huckabee despite their Christian beliefs. So categorizing all of them as "the enemy" is probably not a smart move for these folks.
After more than 16,000 replies, the answer was an overwhelming “no,” which received 95.8% of the vote. In response, the group accused “atheists and Satanists” of “religious persecution” for voting in the poll. Congress is overwhelmingly Christian, far out of proportion with the people they represent. According to a Pew survey last year, the Senate and House are nearly 90% Christian, compared with 65% of America as a whole.
First off, why should atheists and Satanists not get a vote? They're citizens of this country too. How is expressing an opionion "persecution?" And finally, why can't these folks accept that even a lot of mainstream Christians are sick of their nonsense? I'm willing to bet that a lot of Christians who don't consider themselves oppressed by the mere existence of dissenting opinions voted "No" in that poll.
One in four Americans now considers themselves atheist, agnostic or “nothing in particular,” a position publicly held by just one member of the current Congress, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), who lists her religion as “none.” Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.) describes himself as a humanist, while a handful of others haven’t acknowledged a faith or lack thereof.
The National Association of Christian Lawmakers was started last year by Arkansas State Sen. Jason Rapert (R), who warned about the rise of witches in a recruitment email. It’s not clear how many members the group has, but its board of advisers includes a number of current and former elected officials, including former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.
Let me tell you, when you're worried about witches you must be worried that your movement is pitifully weak. Pagans, let alone the subset of Pagans who identify as witches, are a tiny minority, maybe one percent of the population last time I checked. That sixty-five percent of Americans who are Christian can't possibly be under threat from such a small group. While it does appear to be true that Paganism as a religion is growing faster than Christianity is, it will be a long time before it ever represents much of a political threat.
Also, Pagans and witches can be found across the political spectrum, and even though the conservatives among them probably would still vote "No" on the poll, they might still vote for Rapert or Huckabee despite their Christian beliefs. So categorizing all of them as "the enemy" is probably not a smart move for these folks.

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